June 23, 2015

Lilly's Dance Recital Pictures 2015

These pictures are by Aly Nicole Photography.  They turned out GREAT!  :)

June 5, 2015

Bun's Butt Bath!

Bunnerdy had done a few too many squishy poopies lately, and she wasn't able to clean her butt, (and she stunk).  So...Mommy to the Rescue!  :D

She's 2 years old, and this is the very first time she's ever had a bath!  I expected a disaster, but it turned out very well!  :)

Spiders and Scorpions and Bears Oh My!

So THIS happened yesterday afternoon:

And then THIS happened later that same evening:

I don't even wanna ask what might happen next!

This is the only thing I hate about Spring and Summer...the nightmare-inducing creepy-ass bugs!  :|

June 1, 2015