June 23, 2015

June 5, 2015

Bun's Butt Bath!

Bunnerdy had done a few too many squishy poopies lately, and she wasn't able to clean her butt, (and she stunk).  So...Mommy to the Rescue!  :D

She's 2 years old, and this is the very first time she's ever had a bath!  I expected a disaster, but it turned out very well!  :)

Spiders and Scorpions and Bears Oh My!

So THIS happened yesterday afternoon:

And then THIS happened later that same evening:

I don't even wanna ask what might happen next!

This is the only thing I hate about Spring and Summer...the nightmare-inducing creepy-ass bugs!  :|

May 17, 2015

Lilly's Dance Recital 2015

Here's a closeup video of Lilly performing at the dress rehearsal on Thursday last week:

And here's a video of the routine as it appeared in the recital on Saturday:

Here's a video of the opening act of the dance recital.  It's the Show Team, which Lilly is a member of.  Lilly stays pretty much toward the right-hand side of the stage.  She's wearing a green dress.  There's one other little girl with a green dress too, but she's a lot shorter than Lilly:

The dance recital went great!  Here's a link to my YouTube playlist of all my favorite dances:

May 3, 2015

Lilly's School Bus Survival System

One day last week, Lilly got off the school bus & hopped in the car to go home, and I noticed something scribbled all over her hands.  I asked her what it was, and she showed me, and I laughed:

Apparently, Lilly has to share the bus with some real hum-dingers.  And they have assigned seating, so Lilly can't escape these bozos.  So instead of getting in trouble for yelling to these nutty kids to leave her alone, she has devised this enhanced "Talk To The Hand" system to get her point across quickly and effectively!

(I'm so glad school's almost out for summer)!  ;)

May 2, 2015

Hot Single In My Area!

I woke up this morning after a great night's sleep and rolled over in the bed.  Surprised, I was completely unaware that I hadn't been alone.  Laying next to me was a Hot Single.  Bewildered and amused, I just giggled and grabbed my phone to sneak a picture.  Take a gander at the handsome specimen I had the luck to share my bed with lastnight!:
Hot Single!  ALL up in my area!  ;)

We just laid there next to each other and relaxed, but a while later, Jamie came busting into the bedroom.  Embarrassed and surprised, I sheepishly admitted to him what had happened, and he just looked at me and the Hot Single there in the bed together, laughed, and shook his head as he exited the bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I couldn't believe it!  I guess Jamie was OK with it!  Either that, or he think's he's somehow better than my Hot Single (who admittedly is a little bit of a square)...  ;)

February 27, 2015

Yet Another Snow Day!

Yesterday we had an EPIC snow day!

We got just a tad over 5 inches of snow here at the house:
(highly scientific measurement of cramming a free ruler they give elementary school kids down into the snow)

After the previous day's sledding adventure, we came to the conclusion that Lilly's boots sucked because they apparently leaked a little, and they were too thin to keep your feet very warm in the snow (they were fine for a normal day at school; not so much for snow sledding in freezing weather for hours on end).  So we did what any other similar-sized mother/daughter combo would do.  Traded.  Lilly wore my good boots, while I suffered with her crappy ones.

I prepared first, though, by putting plastic grocery store bags on over my socks, before putting Lilly's crappy boots on.  And it worked!:
Anti-leak devices installed!

Then we sledded.  I didn't have any more crashes, though (thank goodness)!  I handed my camera over to Jamie for him to be our video/photographer:

And here are the pictures he took:

The snow was really fun, but I'm still ready for Spring.  Hopefully this will be the last 'hurrah' of Winter for us!