October 24, 2013

"Chinese Food", Anyone? (=^・ェ・^=) V●ᴥ●V

Oh, dear...LOL!

I got a hankering for some Chinese food for supper a while ago (even though we're poor and shouldn't really be getting expensive restaurant food, I figured we could just place a to-go order for one quart of S & S Chicken, pile it out onto a plate, and all 3 of us pick from it for supper tonight, and that would be economical enough).  Hey, it's not good to completely deprive yourself even if you are poor...you gotta treat yourself just a little once in a while so you don't feel like you're incarcerated in solitary confinement inside the basement of a penitentiary.  :/

But anyway, when the craving struck me, I just so happened to be surfing the internet, so I decided to google to see if any of the Chinese restaurants in our area had their menus posted online.

This is what I found, and I couldn't help but LOL!!!

Notice anything amusing?

How 'bout now?


Oh, dear...!  X'D

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