May 23, 2014

The Return of Unwelcome Bugs

Welp, it's that time of year again when a wide assortment of various weird bugs begin mysteriously appearing in wacky places inside of the house.

A couple of nights ago, I went into my bathroom to pee before going to bed, and spotted something in my bathtub.

It was a freakin' cricket.

(I put my razor next to it to show its size):
(I bet that thing can pick up radio stations from all over the world with antennae like that)!  :|

But the wacko-est thing (so far) was what Jamie discovered this morning.

One of the two light bulbs in the overhead ceiling light fixture in my bedroom had burnt out earlier this week.  So Jamie unscrewed the fixture to change the bulb.  I don't know how bugs manage to make their way inside fixtures that have no openings, but somehow, every time you ever take down a light fixture, it's got several old dead bug carcasses rattling around inside.  Well, the dead bugs inside our bedroom light fixture took the cake.

Freakin' scorpions.

Not one,  not two,  but THREE of them:
WHAT THE...?!?!?


But how?!?

(And even more alarmingly, this fixture is on the ceiling directly over my bed)!!!


And speaking of bug surprises, the other day, Jamie was out on the porch.  We have one of those plastic storage benches sitting out there that you can lift the seat up on to access the storage space underneath.  Jamie lifted the seat/lid of the bench to get out some fresh litter for the bunny's litterbox, when all of a sudden, one of those fat-@$$ 3-inch bees buzzed straight up out of the bench.  Jamie told me if it had happened to me, I would have $&^% in my pants.  (And he's right).  The dang ol' bee was so huge (and it's buzz was so deep and loud), Jamie's first thought was that it was a hummingbird.  I would have definitely died of a heart attack right then and there if that had happened to me.

But what would a 3-inch bee be doing inside the storage bench?  And how in the world did it get in there in the first place?

Uhh.  I hope we don't have any more yucky/startling bug surprises now that the weather is warm, but I have a feeling it's only the beginning...

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