March 8, 2014

Papaw Surprises Lilly With a Basketball Goal!

Today Papaw surprised Lilly with a basketball goal!  The actual hoop and net belonged to me when I was younger.  The Easter bunny had brought the basketball goal to me one Easter years ago, and of course we kept it all this time, because we never throw anything away unless we have to!  It comes in handy to be a packrat sometimes!  LOL!  :)  Papaw drug the old hoop and net out of the shed, Clorox'ed the net (so now it looks brand spanking new), and made the backboard out of a piece of wood and some sheet metal he had laying around.  He painted the orange square on the backboard, and re-painted the hoop to match.  Voila!  Instant free basketball goal for Lilly!  :D

Lilly's expression while waiting for Papaw to finish shooting a hoop:  priceless...LOL!:

And of course, Maddie got extra-excited by all the fun activity!:

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