June 24, 2013

More Tales From The Beach

First of all, while I was driving us to the beach on Saturday, we came upon a ridiculous sight.  Have you seen that TV commercial for car insurance where the guy does a double-take because he sees a car driving in front of him with a mattress strapped to the top of it?:
Well, we got to see that very thing happen in real life, and Jamie documented it with his cell phone:
Soon after, we arrived safely at the beach (without colliding with a flying mattress).  As we were setting up our umbrella and chairs and getting everything situated for the day, it hit me -- the stench of dog sh*t baking in the hot sun.  Needless to say, I was NOT amused:
Shoooooo...!  >:P

There was just enough of a breeze to keep the smell wafting into our faces.  Now, dogs are not allowed on this beach, but we see people bring small dogs in briefly from time to time.  I just knew, based on the magnitude of the odor, that there had to be a giant smeary pile of crap somewhere close by.  Finally, I got fed up with having to endure the horrible stench of hot poo, and grabbed Jamie so we could play Sh*tlock Holmes.  We then began our quest to discover the source of the foul poo odor, and vowed to heroically rid the beach of it by whatever means necessary.

Well, we searched and searched, but never did find a heaping pile of poo.  And strangely, the further we trekked away from our spot on the beach, it no longer reeked of poo at all.  Because of this, naturally, the first thing we did was to check the bottoms of our own flip-flops to see if one of us had inadvertently stepped in some random poo somewhere, but we hadn't (besides, I'm sure we would have noticed it in the confines of the warm car on the way there anyway).

So we abandoned the mission and sat back down at our spot on the beach to regroup.  We noticed that the poo smell was only around our area of the beach, but that there were no piles of poo around there.  But there were, however, two different other sets of people close by to our left, which was the area where the poo odor seemed to be emanating from.  And since (hopefully) nobody in their right mind would park their families amongst a steaming hunk of dog poo to enjoy their nice day at the beach together, me and Jamie finally came to the conclusion that somebody in one of those families had evidently unknowingly creamed a pile of dog sh*t with their sandal directly before coming out to the beach.  Heck, from the horrible way that it stunk, whoever it was must have Riverdanced in the pile!  Sheesh!
Our assumptions were validated when the older couple that had been sitting closest to our left relocated from the premises to sit underneath the nearby pavilion instead.  Whenever they left, so did the poo smell.  So Jamie deduced that they probably have some little "foo-foo" dog at home, and one of them must have unwittingly stomped its load in the yard before arriving at the beach.  Seems quite likely, if you ask me.  Sh*tlock Holmes and Watson Sh*tson crapped cracked this case!  ;D

So after the sh*t snafu was over, we breathed a sigh of relief (literally -- thank God for the fresh air).

But speaking of breathing, then we were met by this sight:
And after lounging in the sun for a good long while, I took a notion to get artsy-fartsy and decided to take a few pictures of the scenery:

And that concluded our unusual day at the beach!  :)

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