June 30, 2013

OMG...BUNNY? WTH?!?!?!?!

Our cat, Domino, wakes me up every day at 6:30 AM, meowing annoyingly and incessantly for her breakfast (as if the behemoth is going to starve to death).  So this morning, just like every other day, I dragged myself out of bed and schlepped myself to the kitchen to dole out her kitty feast.  While I was groggily dumping Domino's cat food into her bowl (which consists of half-crunchy/half-canned smushy food, with a sprig of parsley on the side of the dish for a lovely garnish...just kidding about the parsley), I could hear the bunny rummaging around noisily in its pen.  (We keep the bunny in an open dog crate inside of Lilly's old baby playpen at night).

Until I actually got a pet bunny for myself recently, I didn't know that all bunnies do this thing called "binkying" several times a day, where they basically get so happy and excited that they can't control themselves, and run around really super-fast, bounce, hop, flip, and go nuts for a while (and it's TOTALLY cute)!  The bunny actually just now performed its nightly binky, so I managed to get some footage of it so you can see what I mean!  This evening I hemmed the bunny up in the kitchen so it couldn't get into much trouble.  Last time I let it run around loose in the living room, it went behind the couch and chewed the phone cord in two!  :{
So I had heard the bunny binkying in its pen as I was making Domino's breakfast, and I just assumed that the bunny was binkying because it was happy that I was about to feed it breakfast, too.  So after I sat Domino's bowl of cat food down to her, I got the timothy grass hay and greens for the bunny, and walked over to the bunny's pen to feed it.  Keep in mind, it's still really dim in the house since it's early, and I had only flipped on the kitchen light, and I'm still half asleep.  So when I got to the bunny's pen and looked down to feed the bunny, THERE WAS NO BUNNY IN THE PEN.  My eyes drifted upward in my groggy state of disbelief, and what to my wandering eyes should appear?  No, not a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer (although I wouldn't have been half as surprised to see that as opposed to what I really saw)...THE BUNNY WAS ON TOP OF THE FREAKING PIANO.

How did it...I...don't...even...WHAT?!?!?!?!?

I seriously thought I was dreaming.  I stood there, still half-asleep, but waking up rapidly, as my mind tried to process this completely unexpected sight.  I shook my head, blinked, rubbed my eyes, and opened them wide, but the bunny was still there, walking across the lidded keyboard, sniffing.  After I realized that yes, this was indeed actually happening, I put down the hay and greens in disbelief, picked up the bunny, cradled it in my arms, rocked it side to side, petted it for a while, and asked it "What the hell did you do?!?!?"
So I put it down in its pen, gave it its breakfast, and promptly went and got the baby gate to lay on top of the playpen so it wouldn't be able to get out again.  I hope.

But how it managed to do that is a little bit of a mystery to me.  The only way it could have gotten out would have been for it to "boing" all the way up onto the top of the dog crate, and climb up and over the edge of the playpen onto the lidded keyboard portion of the piano.  I didn't realize that a little dwarf bunny could "boing" that high!

Lesson learned!  Note to self:  always keep a lid on the bunny!  LOL!!!  Who knew?!?  O__o

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