August 3, 2013

Our Trip to Lake Winnepesaukah

On Thursday, we went to Lake Winnepesaukah.  Lilly was a butthole pretty much all day long, but we still managed to have fun anyway.

I was really excited, and my initial plan was to ride almost every ride in the whole entire park.  I brought along a box of generic 'less drowsy' Dramamine because I get deathly motion-sick.  I figured I'd be perfectly fine as long as I took the fake Dramamine.  So while we were still driving in the truck, and about 20 minutes away from getting there, I went ahead and popped a fake Dramamine so I would be good and ready.  The box said to take 1 to 2 tablets.  I'd never taken 2 before, so I figured 1 would be enough.

Then we finally arrived at Lake Winnie, and began riding the rides!  The first thing we rode used to be a spooky haunted house thing, but now they've turned it into something called the "Wacky Factory".  So now the inside of it is basically just empty, but it still has blacklight effects, strobe lights, and a random room covered from stem to stern with tin foil (?).  But back years ago when it was a spooky thing, I remember riding it when I was a kid, and it scared the living crap out of me because some dopey thing popped up out of nowhere when I least expected it.  Mom laughed at me the whole time, and never let me live that down!  LOL!

Here's Jamie and Lilly riding their way in to the "Wacky Factory" (I'm in the car behind them, waiting my turn):

Then we rode the antique cars.  Those are always fun.  Lilly constantly refused to have her picture taken all day long.  She gets like that a lot.  So that's why these pictures suck.  :/ Freakin' rotten kid. >:{

Next on the agenda was the Scrambler.  It was super-fun, but when I got off that ride, I did feel a little dizzy and just a teeny tad sick:


Then I thought maybe we should ride something mild after something wild; and if we alternated mild & wild, it would work good for our stomachs & heads.

So next up was the merry-go-round:

In keeping with our mild/wild routine, then we decided to ride the swings.  This is the ride that took me down.  It was fun, but as it was stopping, I felt sick to my stomach, and came thisclose to puking into a nearby bush.  So I hobbled over to a bench, had a seat, and promptly downed another generic Dramamine tablet.  Ugh.

I think the swing ride kind of secretly got to Jamie, too, because after he stepped off the ride, he stepped directly into the men's room.  Lilly was completely unaffected as always, so immediately following the swings, she got right onto the Frog Hopper:

I think Jamie's bathroom break helped him a little, because then he and Lilly rode the bumper cars:

After the bumper cars, I think Jamie felt a little more brave, so he and Lilly rode the Umbrellas.

For a rest, then we rode the little bitty train that goes around the whole park:

Then Jamie and Lilly rode the Tilt-A-Whirl, but this actually ended up being the ride that took Jamie down:

After the Tilt-A-Whirl, Jamie immediately had to find another men's room.  Lilly rode the Balloons while Jamie plunked himself down onto the pavement nearby, and I dosed him up with two fake Dramamines:

Jamie was still incapacitated at the end of Lilly's balloon ride, so then Lilly rode the ride adjacent to the balloon ride, which looked like a pissed-off frog.  Ironically, both the ride and Lilly had the same face -- little terd:

After the pissed-off frog ride, Jamie felt just a tiny tad better, so we were able to walk down to the Worm Train so Lilly could ride it:

I guess the two generic Dramamine must have done the trick for Jamie, because after Lilly got off the Worm Train, he felt good enough to play putt-putt with Lilly:

Lilly ended up getting p.o.'ed toward the end of the putt-putt course because she wasn't having much luck getting her ball into the holes.  I wish I had let the camera roll its video for just a few seconds longer, because she ended up flinging her club, like, 2 seconds after I hit "stop" on this:

I had to sit there forever and wait for Jamie and Lilly to get done playing putt-putt, and it was hotter than four Hells even in the shade, so when they finally got done, I marched over to the little-kid-cool-down zone and promptly inserted myself under a mushroom-looking-thing that was pumping out mist:

Then Jamie started to get hungry, as usual:

So while Jamie and Lilly got something to eat...

...I went on the skylift all by myself:

And after I told Jamie and Lilly how much fun the skylift was, they decided to go on it too:

I didn't want to leave Lake Winnie without riding at least a few "big" rides, so since Jamie was out of commission, I begged Lilly to ride the Wild Lightning with me.  (It was called the Mouse Trap the last time I was there approximately 15 years ago, but if I had to guess, I bet they had to change its name due to a copyright infringement of the kids' board game of the same name, but who knows).  Anyway, Lilly reluctantly agreed to ride the Wild Lightning with me, but only if she could ride the Airplanes first.

The Airplanes were a little scary since they looked rickety, were from 1947 (literally), and you could somehow make them go upside-down if you so desired.

So after Lilly miraculously didn't die on the Airplanes, I then forced her to ride the Wild Lightning with me, which actually turned out to be a lot more wild and scary than I remembered (oops, sorry, Lilly!)  Here's a point-of-view video I found on YouTube of the ride:

So after screaming our lungs out, here me and Lilly are exiting the ride (Lilly acted skeptical, but I think she secretly loved it):

After the adrenaline rush I got from the Wild Lightning, I was hooked, and took the opportunity to make the Cannonball roller coaster my last ride of the day.  So while Lilly was riding something else, I stood in line:

The Cannonball was a lot scarier than I remembered.  I was located about middle-ways on the train, seated directly behind a young Jewish couple.  The guy had on a yarmulke, and I must admit that I was secretly hoping that I would get to witness the yarmulke being flung off wildly in the midst of the roller coaster ride, like a mini-frisbee in a hurricane, but I guess the guy remembered about it, and fortunately for him, but unfortunately for me, he removed it shortly before the ride began.  Shoot.  :/  I don't know very much at all about Jewish customs, but his wife/girlfriend had a scarf wrapped around her hair (I don't know if that's a "Jewish thing" or not).  The ride operator suggested to her "ya might wanna take that thang off yer head", but she just reached up and patted it; I guess figuring it would probably stay in place.  And it did!  I don't know how, though, because after the first drop, I felt my glasses starting to slip, and I quickly ripped them off my face and white-knuckled them closely to my chest to make sure that they made them through the ride intact!  :O

Here's a really good video I found on YouTube showing the Cannonball ride, from the point of view as if you were actually riding it yourself!:

The time came for us to go, since we needed to leave early enough to go sign Lilly up for Dance that evening, and it was still about a 2-hour-ride home.  So we let Lilly ride one more thing --her favorite thing-- the swings, one last time:

As we were making our way to the exit, Lilly begged for another sno-cone, but we told her she could get an ice-cream-cone instead.  So while Jamie was in line to obtain the cone, me and Lilly "clowned around" --ha ha-- with this creepy, weird clown statue that was sitting on a bench.  I guarantee it's probably the least-used bench in the whole park, since everybody is freaked out by clowns!:

So a fun time was had by all...!  :)

(Even though me and Jamie discovered we're getting too old and worn out to do this crap anymore)...!  :(

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