April 27, 2014

The Vintage Velour Jumpsuit

Jamie and Lilly came home a little while ago from visiting over at Jamie's Dad's house (like they do every weekend).  Most of the time, they'll come back dragging some ol' useless, ugly, pile of crap to clutter up our house with.  But sometimes they come home with some real gems.

Today Jamie and Lilly came dragging in a dumb little red tablecloth, some God-awful ugly ruffled, curved, brown-printed, who-knows-what (that Jamie said was "really pretty" --and he was serious), and this fantastic vintage '70s black velour jumpsuit that used to belong to his Mom.

Intrigued with the jumpsuit, I said daringly, "You want me to try it on"?  Jamie was skeptical and didn't think I could squeeze into it.  He was afraid that even if I did manage to get it on, that we wouldn't be able to get me out of it!

So of course I flung off the clothes I had on, yanked the jumpsuit out of Jamie's hand and squirmed myself into it.  LOL!  Check it out!:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!  My butt looks like that stuffed pig-prize I saw at the Fair yesterday:

I wanted to do the YMCA dance in the jumpsuit and get Jamie to video it, but Step 1) I don't know how to do that dance right off the top of my head, and Step 2) I can't dance anyway.  So you'll just have to use your imagination.  Sorry.

A tag inside the jumpsuit said that it was "Union Made" by the ILGWU (International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union).  I thought that was pretty neat.

So I guess this dopey piece of '70s clothing history will be clogging up another person's closet for another 40+ years!  :/

And now I've got the Bee Gees stuck in my head!  >:{


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