August 10, 2014

Our Trip to Pappy's Marketplace

Today, Lilly begged to go to Pappy's Marketplace.  We hadn't been there in a long time, so off we went!

First, we toured a little museum that they have.

Guess which two people share the same birthday (January 8th)?:
Yep, that's right!  Elvis and Deana!  I was born in 1977, and Elvis died about 7 months later.

Here's Lilly with Elvis.  Lilly gets a little freaked out by mannequins, baby dolls, and that sort of thing, so she was a little skeptical:
Jamie was a party pooper and refused to have his picture made with Elvis.  >:/

This ol' truck was pretty neat:

And this old firetruck was pretty neat:

This old car was pretty neat, too:

There were a lot of old cars, motorcycles, bicycles, tractors, and even a motorboat in the museum.  I didn't take pictures of all of them.  But this car was my favorite:
The Munster-Mobile!  :D

I think it was probably a reproduction, but it was still cool!

Lilly spotted a photo op with this pirate cutout, and wanted her picture made:

Then I forced Jamie to do it too, even though he didn't want to:

And then, of course, I had to get my picture made with it:

Nearby, there was a giant stuffed alligator:

In a nearby (bar) section of the museum, we came upon the Blues Brothers:

I had a little dance with 'em:

But Jamie was still being a party pooper, and he refused to have his picture made with them, even though he is a big fan of theirs.  >:/

Then I decided to enter into an impromptu game of poker:

After I won the round, Lilly stepped into my place and tried her hand at it:
Lilly messed up and thought they were playing 'go fish' instead of poker, so she lost.  She ended up having to go straight over to the bar to drown her sorrows:
*one chocolate milk on the rocks with a silly straw, please*!  ;D

The cool thing was that you could actually rent this neat-o place out for parties!

That was pretty much the end of the museum, so we went outside to see what else we could see.

Here's Lilly sitting in a big ol' chair:

And here's Lilly sitting on a 'calf':

And here I am, 'milking' the calf's mommy:
tee hee!  ;)

In a nearby shop, there was a DISTURBINGLY anatomically-correct carved wooden statue of an unmistakably male dog:

...oh dear...

And on the outside of the shops, chickens!:

And in another nearby shop, this giant toy moose!:

In another section of this store, I discovered an appropriate sign for me:

And Lilly fell into this fireplace:
(just kidding)  ;)

Before we left to go back home, we saw this truck:
I immediately thought that that's what would probably end up happening to it if Jamie were to drive it.  He doesn't have a very good track record with vehicles.  :/

And that was our fun trip to Pappy's!  :)

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