July 27, 2014

Stupid Checks and More 'Old People' Mail

Lately, I have received a couple of checks in the mail for very stupid amounts.  

Here's the first one I received:

(It's a stock dividend payment for the 3 crappy shares of bank stock I have from the stupid bank that I used to work for).

Getting this check, to me, was pretty embarrassing.  I mean, what can you do with it?  You'd feel like a fool for taking it to the bank to cash, even if you did try to slip it incognito through the drive-thru.  But hey, 9 cents is 9 cents that I didn't have before, and it's my nine cents, so I didn't want to just throw it away.  I decided to wait 'til I had at least one more check to cash before taking it to the bank.

Then, just a few days later, I got this other silly check through the mail:

(It's an insurance refund check).  But hey, at least it's for more than a dollar!  (And even better, more than 9 cents)!  So after receiving this slightly higher check, I felt a little better about taking the cheapo checks to the bank to cash.  I do have another (non-embarrassing) check, so I'll take all 3 checks to the bank to cash tomorrow, and then I won't feel so much like a clod.  :/

The 'old people' mail has slacked off lately, but it still seems to come in spits and spurts.

I got another one of these stupid things that they've sent me before:

And I got another one of these stupid things:
It's funny how every time they send me one of these, it always says "Second Notice" on the envelope.  Even the very first one they ever sent me said "Second Notice".  It's stupid.

In animal news, Myrtle appears to have gotten a manicure:

And she even gave me a little wink & told me "hi" (make sure all your volumes are full blast and listen really close):

Patches the cat sure has been frisky lately.  Yesterday, Lilly was drawing on the garage floor with her sidewalk chalk, and of course Patches had to get in on the action, and she rolled all over Lilly's drawings.  I snapped a picture of Patches' chalky colored head while she was taking a water break:
That funny li'l kitty was pink and blue all over!  :)

Well, I go back to work tomorrow.  It's been a long summer.  The only thing that sucks about working in the school lunchroom is that if school is out, you don't get paid (since you're not working).  But it's still worth it to me, to be able to be home with Lilly whenever school's out.  School doesn't actually start 'til Friday, but we have to get in the shipments of food, and get everything unpacked, organized, cleaned back up, and ready.  Before school let out a couple of months ago, they were starting to train me to be a cashier, so I hope I can get the hang of that quickly.  All the students have a number, and as they go through the line, they punch their number into a little device, and the money that their parents put into their lunch account gets deducted for the lunch they bought.  I do OK with it until someone actually hands me money, and then I kind of blank out and tend to mess up on the computer.  It's a little hard for me to focus, since the kids come flying through the line like gangbusters, but you have to make them stop so you can handle the transaction correctly.  There are two cashier lines.  On one of them, the kids come through on both sides of you, so you feel like you're having to watch a tennis match very closely.  So that, combined with the fact that you know you need to go as fast as possible, since the kids only have a limited amount of time to eat, kind of gets me a little flustered.  Me, learning something new (especially with numbers and/or math involved), and having to go really fast, doesn't get along very well.  So I'm hoping that I can stay calm and get the hang of it soon.  When I get freaked out, I have a tendency to just go blank.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, that this turns out to be a good school year for me in the lunchroom; and that Lilly has a good 5th grade year, too!  :)

I'll keep ya posted...!

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