October 8, 2012


So I was just sitting on the couch having a quick breakfast between chores, my eyes wandering around the room, when something caught my eye.  Something on top of the curtain.    Something brown.  Assuming (and hoping) it was just a simple moth, I strolled over to have a look-see.  And this is what I saw:
OH. MY. LORD.  How does this happen?  And why does it always seem to happen to ME?  UHH!

So I stood there staring at it with my hands on my hips, pondering what to do.  First I considered waiting for Jamie to get home and forcing him to "take care" of it.  But then I had visions of the thing buzzing off and hiding somewhere else in the house, only to appear later, in a horrible place, such as under my bed covers.  So I knew what had to be done.  I went to the closet and retrieved a bucket, a towel, and my trusty purple fuzzy-duster-on-a-stick that we use more often to crush spiders and retrieve bugs from weird places than we do to actually dust.

I didn't know if the thing would fly off if I messed with it (and of course I had a horror of it getting stuck in my hair, or basically touching me in any way).  So first I gingerly maneuvered the purple fuzzy-duster towards the monster:
The thing FREAKED.  It was like "WTH"?!?  And all the while, my arms were literally like this:
I thought maybe I could gently rake it down off the curtain and sweep it into the bucket, put the towel over the top of it so it couldn't escape, and fling it outside.  But I was afraid.  It was kind of slowly attacking the purple fuzzy-duster.  I didn't want to just swat it down, because I was afraid it would go behind or under some furniture, to only appear later, and scare the living bejesus out of me.  So for what seemed like an eternity, I kept gingerly scraping at it with the purple fuzzy-duster until finally, FINALLY, it slowly crawled on, and I was able to set it out onto the porch:

I left it out there on the porch, and a little while later, I checked, and the thing was nowhere to be seen.  So I retrieved my trusty purple fuzzy-duster from the porch and stored it away for the next random psycho monstrosity of a bug that somehow manages to find its way into the house (I still can't figure out how this happens)!

I'm sure the thing is probably stuck on my back right now.  I have a feeling I'm gonna have the willies for the rest of the day.



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