January 11, 2013

Dammit, I Just Blew Up My Smoothie Blender!

(It's OK, you can laugh).

So there I was a while ago, in the kitchen, gleefully flinging a frozen banana and 8 frozen strawberries into my $15.92 Wal-Mart blender, along with a cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and 6 ice cubes.  It was having trouble blending, obviously, since I stupidly rammed the equivalent of an entire cinder block into the thing.  Next thing I knew, smoke was pouring out of the little vent on the back of the blender.  The motor blew!  It's toast.  Dangit!  Luckily I managed to get that one last smoothie out of it, and just had it for breakfast.  Uhh!

Oh, well.  What do you expect for a $15.92 Wal-Mart blender.  Note to self:  Don't put a giant load of frozen fruit & ice cubes into the blender.  Duh!  Oh, well...live and learn.

Speaking of fruits and vegetables, you always hear that everyone is supposed to "eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day".  But do you know what that means?

There is actually a calculator that you can use to tell you just how many fruits and vegetables you should eat every day.  It's not the same amount for everyone.  The calculator also gives you an example of the sizes of what a "serving" is for fruits and vegetables.  The servings are actually a lot smaller and "do-able" than you think.  After you give it your age, gender, and activity level, you can click the "What counts as a cup?" link, and it will show you the examples.  It's a really good calculator; you should check it out; here's the link to it:  
Fruit and Vegetable Servings Calculator

So anyway, since I blew up my stupid blender, and I'm not really in the mood to purchase another (higher-powered) one right now, I guess I'll have to ingest my fruits and vegetables manually, the good old fashioned way.  :/  LOL.

As a side note to smoothies, our cat Domino has recently discovered her own delectable fish-flavored smoothie:

You know, I'd been noticing that the water level in the bowl seemed to go down awfully quick lately...

BTW that's my Caramello bar that Jamie got for me for my birthday sitting there on the table next to the fishbowl.  Hey, I deserve it after all these stupid fruits & vegetables!  ;)

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