January 9, 2013

Up On The Roof

When this old roof starts leaking on down
And Jamie he just got home from his workplace
I made him climb way on top of the house
And stood in the yard to watch him just in case

On the roof, it's dirty as can be
Now where's that leak, oh there it is, I see
Let me caulk it now
When Jamie came home feelin' tired and beat
But Deana told him to fix the roof real sweet
(Up on the roof)
Went to Home Depot; braved the crowds
And bought the stuff to fix the leak real neat
(Up on the roof)

On the roof's the only place I know
Where the leak is at; fix it now, you go!
Oh go up on the roof
(Up on the roof)

I wish all of the fix-it stuff was free
But a 19-dollar fix ain't bad, you see
I keep a'telling you
Right smack dab on the top of the house
I wish that that damn thing was trouble proof
(Up on the roof)
So if your roof starts leaking on down
We'll have a fix to do
Up on the roof
(Up on the roof)
Up on the roof 
(Up on the roof)
Oh come on Jamie
(Up on the roof)
Oh come on honey
(Up on the roof)
Everything is caulked tight


  1. This gave me a good laugh! I actually tried using your lyrics instead of the original. I tried the one for your turn on the roof too. Haha! It’s great how you managed to get creative for something seemingly as mundane as making some repairs on your roof.

    1. Thanks! If I can make someone laugh, then my day is complete! :D

  2. Poor, poor Jamie; but someone has to do it. At least it was sunny outside, and you didn’t discover the problem when the rains swept in.

    Great. Now “Up on the Roof” is stuck in my head. BRB, need to LSS on something else.

    Pleasance @ Shelton Roofing
