June 12, 2014

Learn From Our Dopey Mistakes

OK, so over the past few days, Jamie, Lilly, and I have all made some pretty dopey mistakes.

Here's mine.  Brace yourself -- it's gross.  So I was vacuuming a hard-surfaced floor, and noticed that there was a disgusting, giant, completely swollen, dog tick that was fully engorged with blood laying on the floor.  I thought to myself, "Hmm.  Well, I wonder if I could just suck it up in the vacuum".  I slowly nudged the vacuum closer, and barely touched it to the tick, in a gentle attempt to suck it up.  When I drug the vacuum back towards me, however, I was greeted with a horrific sight.  The tick had busted, and blood was everywhere.  And there was a single straight streak of blood rubbed onto the floor where the vacuum cleaner had drug it along.  It would have been pretty dang funny at the time, if it hadn't been so unbelievably disgusting.  Then I got concerned that if the busted tick had gotten inside of the vacuum cleaner, that it might just end up scrubbing blood all over the place as I continued to push it along the floor.  And that would not be good especially when it came time to do the carpet.  But thankfully, I saw that the tick had not been sucked up into the vacuum cleaner after all; it was still laying on the floor, but busted.  Let's just say that I felt like it would be a really long time before I would want any grape jelly again.  So I turned off the vacuum, got some cleaning solution and several paper towels, and commenced to cleaning up the disaster that looked like a total murder-zone.  Miraculously, the vacuum cleaner somehow escaped the drama completely unscathed, so nothing else got soiled.  But learn from my mistake:  DO NOT attempt to suck a full dog tick up into a vacuum cleaner under any circumstances.  :P

Next up, Jamie's dumb mistake.  So every day, Jamie takes a little black thermos-type container of lemonade with him to work to drink.  The other day, he came home from work, and as usual, took a shower right away.  I began puttering around the kitchen, trying to figure out what to make us for supper.  I opened up the fridge, and discovered a can of black spray paint sitting there.  I said out loud to myself, "What is a can of spray paint doing in the fridge"?!?  I sent Lilly to ask Jamie about it, and we eventually realized that as Jamie was leaving work, he grabbed the first thing that looked like his thermos of lemonade (which happened to be a container of black spray paint), brought it home with him, and upon arriving home, promptly placed it into the fridge, as if it had indeed been his lemonade.  His actual thermos of lemonade, however, was still sitting there back at his workplace.  No harm done, but it was a really dumb mixup.

And now, here we go with Lilly's tale of bad decisions.  Yesterday, as I was busy doing some stuff inside the house, Lilly went outside and unbeknownst to me began throwing rocks from our gravel driveway up into the air, playing as if they were 'confetti'.  One of them came down and hit her on the tip of the nose.  A few hours later, I noticed that Lilly's nose looked dirty, and told her that she needed to clean it off.  She tried, but the spot wouldn't come off.  Finally, she said, "Mom, it's a bruise".  Lesson to learn:  Rocks are NOT confetti.  DO NOT attempt to pretend that they are.  If one hits you on the tip of the nose just right, you will end up looking like a cheap, embarrassing version of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer for an indeterminable amount of time:


Learn from our dopey mistakes!  :)

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