June 30, 2014

What A Crappy Weekend (Literally)!

I normally don't mind it when it rains.  But if it rains just about non-stop for several days in a row, it starts making me a little grouchy.  It's rained way too much over the past few days, and I'm sick of it!

Since it's been so rainy and wet, I haven't been able to mow my grass, and that really bothers me.

A couple of weekends ago, I was too lazy to go to the grocery store.  I decided that we had enough stuff to last through the week.  But that meant that by this past weekend, we really needed to go to the grocery store, because we were totally out of everything.  So yesterday, the rain had stopped just enough, so I figured it was a good a time as any to go to the grocery store.  So off me and Lilly went to town.  About halfway to town, it started raining, and the rain started coming down harder and harder.  By the time we pulled into a parking spot at the grocery store, it was raining too hard to get out, but it seemed like it might slack up soon, so we decided to wait it out for a few minutes to see.  Sure enough, thankfully, a few minutes later, the rain slacked up until it was barely a drizzle, so me and Lilly grabbed our umbrella and made our way into the store.  After we got done shopping, we were standing in the checkout line, and it let out a huge clap of thunder, and the ensuing rain that started coming down was so sudden and loud, that it sounded like a stadium full of people applauding as hard as possible.  Me and Lilly looked at each other and said "greeeeeat".  After we had paid for our groceries, of course the checkout clerk asked me if I needed help out with my groceries.  I never have asked for help ever in the past, and I wasn't about to start now.  I would feel absolutely horrible to make a poor bagboy go out in the torrential downpour to load my crap up in the car.  I don't know how anybody could live with themselves after doing that.  So, as always, I refused any help, and me and Lilly began our trek to the door.  Lilly had the umbrella.  We walked up to the grocery store door with our buggy absolutely overflowing with about $145 worth of groceries (because remember, I had to get tons of stuff since I didn't go to the grocery store the previous weekend).  I asked Lilly "Are you ready"? and she said yeah.  We stepped outside into the downpour, and Lilly opened up the umbrella.  Of course I just let her use it, and I began wheeling the grocery-laden buggy down to our car.  It was pouring so hard, and it was so windy, that it caused Lilly's umbrella to turn wrong-side out immediately.  Of course, Lilly didn't know what to do about it, or how to fix it, so the umbrella became useless.  In just a few seconds of being outside in the torrential downpour, we were absolutely drenched to the bone.  There wasn't one inch of my hair or clothes that was dry.  It's like I had jumped into the lake and hopped back out.  It was horrible!  About halfway down to the car with our buggy full of groceries, the wind whipped up and blew our bag of tater chips out, sending it crashing down to the ground.  Luckily, Lilly was able to retreive it.  We got to the car, and of course, Lilly climbed in.  And I was left to stand out in the pouring rain and load all 900 really heavy, sopping wet bags of groceries into the back of the car.  It felt like an eternity.  Finally, I got all the stuff loaded in the car, took the buggy to the cart return, and then I was able to finally get in the car.  I never even tried to hurry, because there was no use.  Plus, I had on flip-flops, and have you ever tried to hurry and run in completely soaked flip-flops?  You would bust your @$$ immediately if you even tried.  So we drove home, completely soaked straight through to the bone, with our 900 bags of drenched groceries.  When we got home, Lilly disappeared into her bedroom to change clothes and never came back out to help me, so I had to spend another eternity unloading all 900 soggy bags of groceries from the back of the car, and carrying them into the house, sitting them in the kitchen floor.  It took another eternity to get all the soaked groceries out of the dripping wet bags.  By the time I got done, the floor where the bags of groceries had sat was so wet, it was as if I had just poured a bucket of water on the floor in that area.  Needless to say, I was not happy.  I finally changed out of my completely soaked clothes, and my hair was starting to air-dry.

Then it was time to feed all our pets.  The bunny and cat are no big deal, since of course they're located inside the house, but the dogs?  They're located outside in their pen.  In the torrential downpour.  (Don't worry; we have a little roof over part of it, and two doghouses under that roof, so the dogs are easily able to stay perfectly dry even in the worst rain).  But I had to go out in that rain to feed them.  I took an umbrella with me, but it was hard to mess with, since both my hands were full of dog feeding supplies.  I've just about reached the point where I absolutely despise umbrellas, because it seems like I get a whole heck of a lot wetter when I try to use them, than if I don't.  I couldn't feed the dogs and hold the umbrella too, so I hung the open umbrella on top of the dog pen fencing while I doled out their kibble and canned food.  I noticed a hornet's nest under the roof, but thankfully it didn't seem active, so at least that didn't add to the disaster.  I finished feeding the dogs, and made my way to the door of the pen.  As I was exiting the pen in the rain, I accidentally stepped directly in a big pile of squishy, rained-on dog sh*t with my flip-flops.  I let out a long string of cusswords.  I locked the door of the dog pen, and right as I got the door latched, something caught my eye.  I had left the damn open umbrella on top of the pen fence.  Needless to say, I was severely pissed, and let out another colorful string of cusswords.  I unlatched the pen, stepped back in the dog pen (this time taking great care to navigate my flip-flops through the many land mines of dog sh*t more carefully), and retrieved the damn umbrella that hadn't even really been any help at all in keeping me dry in the first place.  I walked back into the garage, left my dog-sh*t laden flip-flops on the mat to deal with another day, went back in the house, changed into dry clothes again, made me and Lilly some supper, and plopped myself into the recliner, where I stayed for the rest of the evening.

I looked at the weather forecast this morning, and it looks like more %&*#@% rain is on the way.

Ugh!  :{

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