December 18, 2012


Well, this morning Lilly's class had their Christmas Brunch, and parents were invited.  So Lilly had asked me to sign up to bring doughnuts.  (I don't know why 'Deana' always seems to equal 'doughnuts')...*sigh*...I'll never get away from it...  :/

Anyway, the brunch was really good.  The kids got gift bags, and one of the treats inside them were kazoos.  You can imagine how that went...a 23-kid chorus of freakin' kazoos, when they're supposed to be eating breakfast.  I wonder how many kids inadvertently spit bits of their breakfast into their kazoo as they merrily ate and blew into it simultaneously *ecch*!  :P

Eventually it came time for the parents to leave so the kids could continue their day.  I decided to break down and go straight to the dollar store to purchase some new sets of Christmas lights (for both outside on my porch, and our Christmas tree), since they had blown out even worse, and now there were only a handful of bulbs that would actually burn (both on the porch and the Christmas tree).  Our Christmas tree with only 1 partial strand of bulbs that would burn looked pretty sorry.  So sorry in fact, that Lilly turned it completely off the other day, because there wasn't much of a difference in the handful of bulbs being on or off.

Stupid Christmas lights.

So I went to the Dollar General store in town, since it was more or less on my way.  I'm not used to that particular store.  I walked in, and it's laid out completely different (and awful) than the Dollar General store I'm used to, which is located closer to my house.  So I walk all around the Christmas aisles, and looked for some lights.  I found some icicle lights for my porch, and purchased a couple of boxes of them.  However, they didn't have the lights I needed for my Christmas tree.  I was kind of surprised.

So after I left the dollar store, I stopped by Wal-Mart, figuring that surely to goodness they would have a whole load of Christmas tree lights.  They didn't.  At all.  I was shocked and P.O.'ed, since I noticed what few sets of icicle lights that they did have were cheaper than the ones I had just purchased at the dollar store.  UHH!

I left Wal-Mart totally empty handed, which is rare, and always feels weird when it does happen; as if they think I'm shoplifting or something.

Finally I decide to just go to the dollar store near my house, which is where I initially thought about going to in the first place.  I really like the way it's laid out.  I know where everything is, and have no problems finding anything I need.  Lo and behold, their Christmas section was fully-stocked, with tons of the lights that I needed for my Christmas tree. I purchased 3 boxes.

I came home and ripped down the old, burnt-out icicle lights off the porch railing, and installed the new lights.  So far, so good.  Yes, I tested them to be sure that they worked before installing them.  It would be just my luck to end up choosing the only box of lights in the entire store that was defective and not burn at all.  Then I went in the house and proceeded to un-decorate the Christmas tree, rip off the strands of crappy, non-working lights, re-install the new lights, and re-decorate it.  So far, so good with it too.

Now I'm sitting on the couch, worn out, and still miffed about all the Christmas light snafus.

Tomorrow is the last (half-)day of school before Christmas break.  It will be nice for me and Lilly to get to sleep late in the mornings, but I dread trying to keep her entertained until school starts back again on January 3rd.  She gets bored and misbehave-y so fast, she doesn't have much of an attention-span, and we usually end up just making a huge mess and fighting.  And it sucks that we can't really go outside, since it's cold and wet and yucky.  Hopefully it will be a little easier to stay entertained after we get some Christmas presents to play with (but that's days away)...!

Hurry up, Spring and Summer!  I hate Winter!  :{

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