December 7, 2012

Lilly Logic / I See, Said The Blind Man (or Smell, rather)?

Earlier this evening, we took Lilly to the Girl Scout Christmas Ornament Swap.  They had asked everyone to bring a bag of individually wrapped candy so they could be combined together and provided to Meals On Wheels for the elderly.  I had gone out to the store yesterday while Lilly was in school and purchased a bag of candy for us to contribute.  When Lilly got home from school (hungry, as usual), and saw the bag of delicious chocolatey candy sitting on the table, she naturally begged to open it and have some.  I explained to her that NO, the candy was not for us, and that we would be taking it to the Ornament Swap party so they could give it to Meals On Wheels for "old folks" to eat.  Then Lilly said "but all this candy will make the old people get all hyper, and they'll eat too much of it, and then they'll get sick and feel bad"!  So she graciously offered to eat it, to save the "old people" from such a fate.  I looked at her like
and said "but what do you think eating all that candy would do to YOU"?  Silly kid.  She's such a shyster.

Speaking of Lilly, another evening earlier this week, completely out of the blue, she asked me if Santa was real.  Alarmed, caught off guard, and not knowing what to say right off the bat, I paused and asked "...Whyyyyy..."?  Then she proceeded to explain that the toys that come from Santa have bar codes on them like they came from a store, and she was wondering that if Santa and his elves make all the toys, why would they need to have bar codes on them?  I was flabbergasted.  Then she continued to say that some kids at school had also wondered what if it's the parents who actually buy the presents and put them under the tree?  Still in shock, and arms akimbo, I gave a typical parent response of "WHO SAID THAT" to buy me a few more moments to think.  Lilly didn't know for sure, and didn't say, and all I could think to say next was "well, you can't believe everything that you hear".  And then I ran away.

But back to the Ornament Swap.  As we were leaving, Lilly of course asked to use the bathroom, which is her hobby no matter where we are, regardless of whether she really needs to go or not.  More times than not, whatever restroom facility that Lilly begs to use (even though she only has 2 drops of pee in her bladder, and could wait to go for 4 more hours) ends up being thousands of times more lethally toxic with filth and disease than a septic tank exploding with the diarrhea of a million dysentery patients, along with about 10 rotting lepers' corpses.

Luckily (for once, thank God --and it probably helped that we were in a church, after all), their restroom facility was in fact very nice and completely sanitary.  Lilly chose the large handicapped-accessible stall in the back, and being the needy, clingy, only-child that she is, insisted that I join her in the stall while she peed.  At least the stall was big.  She always forces me to join her in the stall, no matter how small of a stall it is.  I will pause for a moment here and state that a couple of days ago, Lilly was being particularly aggravating (which is more the norm than the exception), and I turned to her and frustratedly yelled "WHEN YOU GROW UP I HOPE YOU HAVE 10 KIDS JUST LIKE YOU"!

*ahem*...back to the stall.  As I was waiting the 5 seconds for Lilly to finish performing her 2 drops of pee, I was casually looking around the stall and noticed that it had one of those wall-mounted, flip-down, baby-diaper-changing stations in it:

No big deal, right?  WRONG.  Why, you ask?  Because of what is imprinted near the bottom, right-hand corner on it.  THIS:


Highly alarmed, my imagination went wild, picturing in my mind a blind person changing a baby's diaper, after it had one of those horrid, newborn, up-the-back-all-the-way-to-the-neck, watery/scrambled-eggy, neon yellow, napalm-odored, gallon's worth of crap-splatter explosions!!!
So I came home and promptly made this comic about it for posterity.  Enjoy!



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