December 27, 2012

The Dumpster Chronicles, Episode 1

So you know my husband Jamie drives one of those front-end-loading dumpster-dumping garbage trucks.  You know the kind; they do this:

He's been doing this job for almost a year now.  And over the course of the year, he has had the good fortune to catch glimpses of some extremely hysterical items that people have thrown away, all of which have given us hearty laughs (and some that just leave us scratching our heads).  Just about every day, when he comes home, I ask him "anything funny in the dumpsters today"?, and he almost always has a funny tale, and usually accompanying photographic evidence (thank God for cell phones with cameras)!  :D

Today's Funny Thing In The Trash was this:

I know, right?  OMG!!!  And did you catch that?:

It's literally a "dirty book".  Just look at the mud it was laying in next to the dumpster!

Jamie said he opened it to see how old it was (you know, so he could read the articles, ha ha), but he couldn't find a date in it.  I carefully Googled it, and discovered that it's the October 1977 edition.

How embarrassing.  Gee, I wonder if it was someone's Christmas present; maybe a "gag" gift (no pun intended)!


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