December 19, 2012

Worst. Supper. EVER!


So my husband Jamie has been asking me to make salmon patties for him for a while now.  Several weeks ago, I ran across a recipe for them, and purchased a can of salmon at the grocery store.  It took me an eternity to even choose a can, because they all seemed disgusting to me.  I'd never even made salmon patties myself before, and I've only eaten them maybe once or twice before in my entire life (back when I was pregnant with Lilly, having strange cravings, and even sketchy food tasting so freakin' delicious).  I don't even eat tuna.  I don't really like much of anything seafood-ish.  Maybe feeding cats canned cat food all these years helped turn me off of it, who knows.

Anyway, earlier this evening when I opened the can of salmon and dumped it into the mixing bowl, I thought I was gonna throw up.  The can-shaped mass of disgusting meat was horrific, and I had no idea that it would have some fish skin included on it too.  It smelled like total cat food.  I wasn't even sure I could manage to attempt to make a halfway edible meal out of such a travesty of meat.  I scraped off what skin I could (it came off so easily; I was shocked) and pitched the skin into the trash can.  I added all the other ingredients, but I couldn't bring myself to mix it all together with my hands, like I do when I make meatloaf.  So I got a fork and mixed it up that way.  I must admit, it didn't look too horrible after I got it all mixed up.

Then I had to make the patties.  I managed to do it with my hands, but it was still a little disgusting.  I cooked 'em up (with some taters and green beans to go along with them on the side).  Finally the patties were done.  They turned out just the way they were supposed to, but I still couldn't bring myself to eat them.  They just kind of turned my stomach, especially after seeing the salmon in its original can-form.  Jamie put a few of the patties on his plate, and I tried a tiny bite of one, but I couldn't get past the cat food aroma/flavor, and instead ate all the rest of the taters and beans.

Needless to say, I told Jamie I'm sorry, but that there's no way in hell that I'm ever gonna cook those things EVER again!  He just laughed and said OK.




Changing the subject, Lilly got home from school early today, since school was only open a half-day for the start of Christmas Break.  As soon as Lilly walked in the door, she took her necklace off and promptly put it on our cat, Domino.

As you can see, Domino was totally mellow & diggin' it at first:

But then, moments later, became extremely paranoid:

Ain't that the way it always goes, man?


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