July 1, 2014

Jamie Made It Home From Illinois Just Fine

Well, Jamie made it back home from Illinois just fine.  He had a good time visiting his family while he was there.  Here are some of the most interesting pictures that he had taken with his cell phone:

Here's a video Jamie took of those huge windmills in action:

And apparently, it must have been even stormier up there than it was down here, because the town he was visiting (Chenoa) turned on their tornado siren!  I've only heard these things on the old Bugs Bunny cartoons.  I don't think we even have these things down here in the South (or if we do, I've never heard them):

Anyway, the cat and dogs were extra-happy to see Jamie come home.  The bunny didn't seem to care one way or the other.  Jamie was tired from his long drive, so he went to bed not too long ago.  I don't know what me and him and Lilly will get into the rest of this week while we're all going to be home together.  I think we'll probably end up going to some neat museums that we haven't been to yet.  We really like doing that kind of stuff.  Wherever we end up going, of course I'll take lots of pictures and tell you all about it!  :)

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