July 20, 2014

New Kitty! :D

OK, so we got a new kitty 5 days ago!:

I know we're crazy; we already had 2 dogs, a cat, and a bunny, but we just couldn't help it.  This li'l kitty showed up at Jamie's dad's house over a week ago, and when Jamie and Lilly went to visit him, they discovered this cute, friendly li'l kitty.  Of course Jamie's dad said "take it home with ya!" and Jamie called me on the cell phone to discuss it.  Eventually, I just sighed and muttered "bring her on home".

This li'l kitty is so sweet.  The poor little thing was about to starve to death.  Of course Domino hates her, but this li'l kitty doesn't even care.  She's the most laid-back li'l kitty in the world.  We've been kind of struggling with what to name her, and the name Patches seems to have stuck most of all.  And we refer to her as 'Li'l Bit' too.  Or just 'Li'l Kitty'.

Anyway, she's super-sweet, and we'll be getting her spayed soon.  We took her to the vet for a checkup on Thursday because she was a little sickly, and she needed an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory (and of course a rabies shot).  She was very dehydrated.  I think she most likely would have died if we hadn't taken her in.  Now she's doing great, and we're really happy!  :)

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