July 25, 2014

Random Happenings

Check out this teeny-tiny little-bitty snail I discovered in the sandbox the other day:
Cute!  :)

It sort of reminds me of Spongebob's pet snail, Gary:
LOL!  :)

Speaking of 'meow', in cat news, our new li'l kitty Patches (who is only about 6 months old) is feeling much better, and has become quite the little hunter!:
She's killed a bunch of lizards so far, and today even presented one to me on the doormat for the first time as a gift!  It was fantastic!  She begged me to let her bring it in the house, but I wouldn't let her.  Especially since it was nowhere near being dead yet, and it kept escaping from her mouth when she would meow to be let in with it, and it ran around all over the garage several times until Patches finally chewed it up enough to kill it.  :P

In other cat news, our old fat cat Domino is still disgruntled by Patches, and discovered a fantastic new impromptu hiding place to utilize this afternoon:
The wrapping paper storage bin that I had left on top of the bed.

In Lilly news, a picture of her 4-H Camp group was in this week's newspaper:
Lilly's the first one in the front row.

Here's a closeup of Lilly:

In strange news, I made soft tacos for supper tonight, and to my surprise when I opened the package of tortillas, there was a black marker pen streak on one of the tortillas:

So I did what any reasonable person would do, and that is to simply tear that offending part off and eat the rest of it anyway.

So if I die, sue the tortilla company.  And if you win, they'll probably pay you with a lifetime's supply of black marker pens.  :/


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