February 26, 2013

Fruit Of The Loom

A few minutes ago, Lilly looked up for a moment from her hand-held video game to ask me, "Mom, what's 'Fruit Of The Loom'"?  Laughing knowingly, I replied "Whyyy...where did you see that"?  And Lilly said "On Hunter's underwear".  (Hunter is a boy in Lilly's class who sits across from her).  So I asked Lilly "How did you see that"?  And she explained that she sees it all the time, because Hunter sits on his feet in his chair, and it causes his pants to get pulled down in the back, causing the words 'Fruit Of The Loom' to show for all the world to see.  I laughed again and told Lilly that 'Fruit Of The Loom' is the brand name of the underwear.  Then I asked Lilly if she let Hunter know that his 'bloomers' were showing, and she said "NOOO"!  I asked "Why not"?  And Lilly said that Hunter would be embarrassed, and he yells whenever he's embarrassed.

Good call, Lilly!  Good call!  Sometimes it's best to just turn the other cheek (even when it's someone else that should be turning theirs)!  ;)  LOL!

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