February 28, 2013

The $1,000 Dog Who Came To Play

Yesterday morning, I stepped outside to pitch some kitchen scraps out into the edge of the woods, when something caught my eye down at the bottom of the driveway.  I turned to look, and lo and behold, it was one of the biggest, fluffiest dogs I had ever seen in real life.  Maddie and Lucky were visiting with it.  The dogs spotted me, and they all came galloping.  I yelled for Jamie, and he came outside to check out the strange dog.  It had on a collar with a rabies tag, but no other identification.  So at least we knew it belonged to someone.  And we also noticed that it had been down at the lake, because its legs and underbelly were all wet.  But it was so fluffy that we couldn't even tell if it was male or female!  I watched it for a long time to see if it would pee, and that would be the tell-tale sign of its gender, but I never noticed it peeing.  It trotted around the house and played with Maddie and Lucky all day.  Finally, around suppertime, we started getting a little concerned, figuring that its owner might be wondering where it was.  Jamie called one of the guys who lives at the end of our road who is a huge dog lover, and has several of his own, to see if he knew anything about the dog.  Luckily, he did.  He told us that it belonged to his new neighbors who had just recently moved in, and that it has been jumping their fence.  He said he would come get it and take it back to its house.  So in a little while, he came, and we all talked about the dog for a little while.  The guy couldn't remember the dog's name (he just calls it "Big Boy" whenever it shows up at his house), and he couldn't remember what breed it was, but he told us that it was a very expensive dog.  Like around $1,000 expensive!  And also that the dog was only 10 months old!  I was blown away.  So he took the dog back down the road home to where it belonged, and I'm sure he told the dog's owners all about its roaming antics of the day.  I haven't seen "Big Boy" today, so hopefully his owners have figured out a way to keep him from running off.

Wow!  What a dog!

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