February 4, 2013

No Mo' Sno'

Well, the vast majority of the snow is now melted and gone, and aside from school being on (yet another) 2-hour delay again this morning, things are back to normal.

The last hurrah with the snow yesterday was Jamie and Lilly's angry snowman:

There's a story behind the angry snowman.  We make all of our snowmen angry.  The reason why is that several years ago, we made a snowman, and as it melted, its sweet little happy face just naturally transformed to at first being just slightly skeptical, and then it became a little ticked off, and then it got angry, before finally settling at downright pissed.  And so, we commemorate that amusing event in all of our subsequent snowmen.

The last I saw of yesterday's angry snowman, the dogs had eaten its entire head completely off.

I must say, I'm feeling a lot like the angry snowman myself. I absolutely HATE winter with every fiber of my being.  I HATE the cold weather, I HATE being cold, I HATE not being able to go outside without freezing to death, I HATE the house being cold, I HATE having to warm up the car before going anywhere, I HATE having to wear 57 layers of clothes and still freezing to death...basically, I HATE it ALL.

Can you tell I have cabin fever?

I was so happy to see that Punxsutawney Phil determined that Spring would come early this year.  But then my hopes were dashed when I learned that General Beauregard Lee (who is closer in proximity to me than Phil is) predicted that there would be 6 more weeks of winter.


HURRY THE %^*% UP.  >:{

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