February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day WTH?!?

Well, Lilly's class had their Valentine's Day party "special snack" today, which was evidently the equivalent of an entire 5-pound bag of sugar, judging on how much more hyper and ill-behaved than usual Lilly is this afternoon.  :/

When I picked Lilly up at the bus stop a little while ago, she came totin' her little paper bag full of valentines from her classmates.  On our way back to the house, she pulled them all out and showed them to me one by one.  Then, towards the end of the pile, she whipped out this, and my jaw dropped:
Yep, that's right.  A medical blood specimen vial.  With a little rolled-up scrap of paper inside of it that says "Happy Valentine's Day":
The vial also contained a little bit of unidentifiable white powder, which Lilly spilled most of at school.



On a different, non-valentine note, Jamie emptied a dumpster today at a place where a mama goat just had 2 cute little babies mere moments before he got there, and he took this video of them.  CUTE!  :D

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