February 2, 2013


WOW!  It's our first snow of the winter!  We don't usually have too awful many snows.  I kind of secretly like it when it snows on the weekend, and it's supposed to all be melted and gone by Monday morning so life can get back to normal.  It's great to just sit around the house, still in your jammies, turn on the gas logs, and watch the snowflakes go falling down.

Now that I think about it, gosh, I believe it's been about a little over 2 years ago when we had our last decent snow.  Last time it snowed, Lilly was ornery and refused to go outside.  But this year, she was super-excited about it, and rip-roarin' to go:

Here's a video of the sledding experience.  Jamie filmed it, and he has a habit of letting the camera run way too long.  But if you stick with it (at about 4 minutes in), you will get to see Lilly accidentally jumping the sled over a log!  :O

The dogs are having a great time in the snow, too!

Here's another way-too-long, Jamie-made video of the dogs playing in the snow, if you care to partake:

And here are some more pictures that Jamie took of the snowy scenes around the house:

It started snowing at 11:30 this morning, and it's now about 6:30 in the evening, and it's STILL snowing.  As of right now, I think there's anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of snow on the ground.

When Lilly and Jamie finally came back in the house for the last time for the evening, Lilly angrily flung her gloves in the floor, because she was mad that she had to stop having fun in the snow to come in.  Ironically, this is how one of her gloves just so happened to land:

Well played, glove.  Well played.  Captured Lilly's sentiments exactly.


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