March 22, 2013

Lilly's Silly Quips of the Day

Lilly cracked me up twice this morning.  First, as we were driving to school, we were making up a story together.  I'll make up one part, and she'll make up another, and we'll go back and forth taking turns making up parts of the story.  Lately, Lilly has been ending all of the stories in the exact same way.  But instead of something normal and expected like "and they all lived happily ever after...The End", Lilly has started ending her stories with "and they all got famous, and fat, and died", which is apparently the Lilly equivalent of "and they all lived happily ever after, The End".  Well, this morning, as she was ending the story, she added one more thing.  She said "and they all got famous, and fat, and Elvis"!  And I laughed so hard!  Lilly said "What?  Well, he did!"  And all I could say was "Yes...yes he did"!

The next funny thing happened a little while later, when we were in the drop-off line at school.  We were in line behind this silly car that I've been seeing around town lately.  It's one of these ridiculous, tricked-out, souped-up, cheesy-looking vehicles (my husband would call it "a JC Whitney Special").  It's got tinted windows, a huge tail pipe, green tail lights, a green brake light, green wheels, and to top it all off, I even saw the silly dude who was driving it the other day wearing (get a load of this) -- a matching green bandanna tied around his head.  And he's not a teenager or young adult, as you might expect; he looks to be somewhere in his 40s.
Seriously?  Do you have any idea that you look like a giant douche?
--Oh, well, whatever; to each his own way.--

Anyway, as we were waiting in line behind this silly-looking vehicle at school this morning, Lilly and I noticed that something *new* had been added to the car.  Yet another *green* accessory.  It was some kind of decal applied to the back glass. Lilly asked me "What does that say"?  And I reply (reading it off) "Lamin-X Protective Films".  And Lilly said "More like LAME-in-X"!!!  And it's a good thing we were sitting still in line, because if I'd been driving, I would have crashed the car, I was laughing so hard.

After I retained my composure slightly, I decided I better try to take some pictures of the silly vehicle with my camera phone for everyone's viewing pleasure, while I had the chance:

(Take my word for it, it looks a lot lamer in person).  Especially when The Dude is wearing his matching green bandanna.  :/

Here's an action shot of the side of the car (so you can see the green wheels) I barely managed to get as it was peeling away from the stop sign at the elementary school (you know, 'cuz it's sooo badass):

(rapping):   "Oh yea, just dropped da kid off at da i'ma gonna drive off real kool" ♪ (insert thumpin' bass line here)...  :/

I did watch the kid hop out of this silly car at school out of curiosity, and it was a cute, blond, wavy-haired little girl, probably in 3rd or 4th grade.  And she did look a little embarrassed.  I can picture it now...(receiving yet another large package in the mail):  "Awww, daddy, you got another green car accessory part from JC Whitney?  DAAADDYYY...!"


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