March 21, 2013



This past Friday, my sister-in-law texted me, and out of the blue, she asked me if I would like a FREE PIANO.  So of course (me not being one to turn down much of anything anyway -- especially if it's FREE --), I said YES!!!

So on Sunday, after borrowing my dad's pull-behind trailer, we retrieved the piano from my sister-in-law's mom's house in the next town, and thanks to some moderate wrangling by my husband and brother, we managed to get it home, and positioned in my living room.

Luckily, we had kept my old piano lesson books (I had taken piano lessons way back when I was in middle school, for maybe about a year, I guess).  So after a little tinkering around to refamiliarize myself with a few of my (easy) ol' favorite tunes, I could still play my recital piece, "The Breakers".

So, without further ado, here it is:
***NOTE:  don't be too impressed, because this is the only song I know, and as you can see, I had to tape the names of the notes onto the piano keys so I could remember!***  LOL!

It's funny, 'cause whenever I play this, our cat, Domino, comes to watch me, and it makes her go to sleep every time!  Ha!  So I guess that means that my piano playing is either A) soothing to felines, or B) it bores her to death!  (Probably the latter, since she's my captive audience)!  LOL!

Here's Domino in the aftermath of the piano-playing.  Is she A)  writhing in ill despair, or B)  curling up in ecstasy?  Only she knows for sure!  LOL!  :)

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