December 9, 2013

New Rule (In Addition to the 5-Second Rule)!

OMG, the funniest thing EVER happened a while ago!  XD

We had gotten back from Lilly's dance class, and I was getting myself a brownie (which I had made a small pan of earlier today, and they had completely cooled down by then).  Somehow, my brownies always turn out kind of hard to get out of the pan (even though of course I grease it like you're supposed to), and when I'm trying to cut the brownies, they stick to the knife and just tear up and make a mess.

So I scraped and scratched and ended up obtaining myself a small pile of brownie-crumbles and put them on a little plate to have for a snack.  I didn't care that the brownie was mutilated; I just grabbed myself a fork to eat it with.

Well, while I was messing with trying to get the brownie out of the pan, Lilly was changing out of her dance clothes nearby.  When she took off her shorts, she said to me in a kind of disappointed tone, "Mommy...look".  So I looked over to see that the black thread of her panties had raveled out massively on numerous different areas of the garment.  Lilly explained to me that all the strings had been bothering her all day, and I asked her if she'd like me to cut them off.  She said yes, and I got out the scissors, but then of course she informed me that she wanted to be the one to cut the strings off.  So I handed the scissors over to her, and went back to digging out my brownie.

Well, a minute later, as I was happily headed towards the living room with my little plate to plop myself down on the loveseat and enjoy my pile of brownie-crumbles, my fork fell off my plate, and I thought I saw a rather large brownie-crumble tumble down and land on top of the coffee table.  So me, being one not to mind eating things off the table (or floor -- especially in my own house), I quickly picked the dropped brownie-crumble off of the coffee table and immediately inserted it into my mouth, where it rightly belonged.

But about 0.000008 seconds later, I went "PTOOO"! and spit it out, sending it flying across the living room.
What I had put in my mouth wasn't an accidentally-dropped brownie-crumble at all.

It was Lilly's underwear strings that she had snipped off, wadded up into a ball, and laid on the coffee table!

Me and Lilly laughed about it until I thought our stomachs were going to bust!!!

So, New Rule:  Look BEFORE you follow the 5-second rule to ensure that the bit that you just picked up is even edible!

LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  XD

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