December 19, 2013

Ugh, What A Day

I've gotta figure out how to get my sh*t together.  This insomnia junk is ruining my life.

I couldn't sleep again last night, even after reading Lilly's new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book --the entire freakin' book.  I had a headache, too since I took my medicine too late, and got up in the middle of the night to take some Advil.  Just like always, I ended up finally falling asleep when it's actually closer to time to be waking up.  So I felt like crap again this morning.  I got Lilly to the bus stop, and then dragged myself back to bed.  And this is where it got really crappy.

Just as I was starting to get to sleep pretty well, what happens?  The $%#@$$#$% smoke detector's battery starts dying, so it starts beeping LOUDLY.  It's impossible to ignore, so I had to get a stool to stand on and rip it off the wall in the hallway.  Then I tried to rip the dying battery out of it so it would shut up, but I couldn't remove it with just my fingers.  So I had to rummage out the ^%$$#%$@#^&%* tool kit and find a $#@%$&^**&^$ flat-head screwdriver to pry the &^%$#$#%$^&& dying battery out of the $##$^&&%$#@ smoke detector with.

I was so freakin' pissed.

After I disabled the smoke alarm, I groggily went back to bed.

Then the #$$#%$&^**^%$#@#% dog started barking.  Stupid &^%%$#@$#%^&* Maddie barks at EVERY-FREAKING-THING.

So I laid there and tried to go back to sleep, but stupid Maddie wouldn't shut the &^%$$##%^^&& up barking at absolutely nothing for an eternity.

So I moved to the couch in the living room.  I never actually went back to sleep, but I was too sleep-deprived and zombie-like to get up and do anything, and my head still felt bad, so I just laid there on the couch all day, feeling like crap.  And the big ol' heavy-ass cat crawled on top of me and crushed me down so I couldn't even get comfortable.

Then the mailman came to deliver a package, and I had to spring up and pretend like I'd been awake all day, even though I never change out of my pajamas unless I'm going out in public and I'm going to be seen by anyone.

It's actually a damn good thing that the mailman came right when he did, because it was time to pick Lilly up at the bus stop, and I had no idea.  I have an alarm set on my cell phone to remind me, but I soon discovered that my cell phone's battery had died (and I was completely unaware of it), so the alarm wouldn't have gone off!  I would have laid there waiting for the alarm to go off to let me know it was time to go get Lilly, but it wouldn't have went off!  So thank God at least that turned out OK.  The last thing I would have needed to be the cherry on top of this terd of a day would be for the school to call me and ask me why I wasn't at the bus stop to pick up my kid (like they had to do one time before when the $%$##@#$%^& bus driver was earlier than usual).  How embarrassing.  I hate that stupid bus driver.  He's such a terd.

And one other good thing happened; Jamie's work gave him a smoked ham, so at least we won't starve to death for Christmas.  Yay.

I don't know what's going to happen with Jamie's temporary 2-week layoff during Christmas/New Year's.  He may not be eligible to receive unemployment pay since he's only gotten 2 paychecks from that company so far.  I think you have to earn something like $3,000-some-odd dollars at a company before you can be eligible to draw unemployment benefits.  I don't know if they can go off based on the pay he earned at his previous 2 jobs or not. He's supposed to find out.  He's decided to go in to work a couple of days each week while they're closed for the holidays and forego taking his breaks just so he can be earning some money.

Needless to say, I'm not really feeling the Christmas spirit this year.  I'm just hoping that we end up getting a big tax refund this year to help get us out of the hole and back on our feet a little bit more.

Stupid life.  I wish that good stuff would outweigh the bad to make it feel more worthwhile sometimes.  :(

I think I'm gonna try taking one or two sleep aid tablets tonight in an attempt to try to get myself on a reasonable sleeping schedule.  Ugh.

Oh, yeah, and another crappy thing seems to have happened.  The "big" (most expensive) Christmas present that I ordered for Lilly was supposed to be delivered by FedEx yesterday.  It's a little electronic gizmo sort of like an iPod, but it's specifically made for kids (it can play music, take pictures, you can play games on it, and you can get on the internet with it).  It still hasn't arrived yet.  This morning when I checked the tracking on it, it no longer said "out for delivery", but instead, "N/A".  So I guarantee that the package must have gotten crushed into a million pieces inside the stupid FedEx truck, and the FedEx driver probably just flung all the little crushed-up bits and pieces of it out on the side of the road as he/she went flying down the highway.

On a positive note, Lilly did a fantastic roundoff/back handspring on the air track at gymnastics class a while ago, so I was really impressed with that.

I don't know what else to say.  I'm gonna go take my medicine now.  :/

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