December 8, 2013

Obamacare is AWESOME!

Today Patti helped me sign myself and Jamie up for Obamacare.  We had lost our insurance back when Jamie got fired from his garbage truck job, and that sucked, because even though we don't ever need to go to the doctor but maybe a couple of times a year (and Jamie doesn't take any prescription medications), my medications (which I determined recently that I absolutely CAN NOT do without --and survive--) cost about $180 per month.

The Obamacare sign-up online was really smooth and very easy to go through and understand.  In the end, I was able to get a Blue Cross Blue Shield plan for me and Jamie that only costs us $41.21 per month for the perfect amount of coverage for us.  It has a $400 deductible and a $1,200 out-of-pocket max.  And I'll be able to get all my medications for only $24 per month, as opposed to having to pay $180 per month!  So I am thrilled!!!
Whoever thinks that Obamacare is awful simply doesn't have all the facts.  It's a total lifesaver!

And Lilly has finally recently been approved for Medicaid, and her card actually came in the mail yesterday.  It's just in time, too, because she has yet another follow-up doctor appointment on Tuesday to check on how her ADHD medication is working.  (Since Lilly qualifies for Medicaid, she is ineligible for Obamacare).  We had to pay out-of-pocket for Lilly's doctor visit and medication last month, which sucked, because it totaled almost $270.  Fortunately, I think that Medicaid can reimburse us for that amount since Lilly's application was in the middle of being processed when those fees were incurred.

So yay, at least medical insurance won't be a worry for us anymore!  And I can do without all the worrying that I can get away with!  Whew!

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