February 17, 2014

Maddie Is All Doctored Up Now! :)

Jamie took Maddie to the vet today to get her wound all checked out and doctored up.  It only cost about $100 total (for medication and everything), which is a lot less than I figured it would cost, so that was good.  Jamie said that Maddie was absolutely wonderful the whole time.  So thankfully, there weren't any mishaps whatsoever.  Maddie weighs 60 pounds!  The vet cleaned her wound, but it wasn't the kind of wound that needed to be stitched or stapled up.  The vet prescribed Maddie 10 days' worth of antibiotic pills, and 5 days' worth of pain medication; each to be taken twice a day with her food.  Jamie gave Maddie the pills as soon as he fed her after they got home, and she gobbled the medication up with a tidbit of canned dog food; no problem.  The vet also said we needed to clean Maddie's wound every day (a thought which made me cringe, until Jamie explained that all we would need to do would be to basically rinse it off with a waterhose), so we've decided to get her in my bathtub each evening, since it has a hand-held shower sprayer.  That way, we can use warm water (which the vet said would actually be ideal), and it won't be bad at all.  We need to do that every day until the wound starts getting a lot better.  That will be interesting.  We've never had Maddie in the bathtub before.  Interestingly (and strangely) enough, though, the people who gave Maddie to us told us that they used to let Maddie take showers with them all the time, and that she absolutely loved it, so at least we know the idea won't be foreign to her.  It's probably gonna be funny, and hopefully we won't have any disasters!  Don't worry...I'm totally gonna film it, just in case we have an AFV $10,000 moment!  But since the vet already cleaned Maddie's wound today, we're going to wait 'til tomorrow to try putting her in the bathtub, and do it each evening after that 'til it's all better.  I sure do hope that goes good!

I had a so-so day in the lunchroom today.  One of the ladies is out on vacation all this week (taking a cruise), so it was extremely wild and hectic.  They called in another sub, but she wasn't really a whole lot of help.  I mean, she was, but she was kind of like me.  We both don't know a whole lot yet.  So it was sort of like the blind leading the blind.  At least she didn't intimidate me like that other sub they brought in last week.  But the worst part was that she didn't really have a very good attitude, so that kind of brought me down a little bit.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.  Every day I learn something new, but I sort of can't wait for the time to come where I know almost everything, and don't have to feel like a dummy, and feel like I'm having to ask too many questions.  I feel most confident when I pretty much know what I'm doing and can go busily about my day without wondering too much what to do about stuff.  I know that day will come, though, and it's just a matter of time.

Anyway, I guess I better go get my bath now...I'm pretty tired after a hectic workday, worrying about Maddie, taking Lilly to dance class, and running errands!

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