February 4, 2014

"The Talk"

Well, I just had "The Talk" with Lilly.

It came up completely unexpectedly, but the time was right.  I knew I would be having to have this "Talk" with her for sure sometime this year.  I'd just been putting it off until my mommy instinct kicked in and let me know that it was definitely time.  My mommy instinct has also been telling me that Lilly has secretly been wondering about it lately, so I knew it was all just a matter of time.

Anyway, how it all came up was because Lilly had to finish a little vocabulary Word Search puzzle for homework tonight.  Lilly was sitting at the coffee table working on it, and she turned to me and told me that one of her friends named Caitlyn (who's in a different class) told Lilly that she had found the "S" word in her word search today, and that it was "gross".  Knowingly, I played dumb, and asked "What 'S' word...sh*t?"  Lilly said "no", and tried to explain further by saying "You know, it's got 3 letters, and it's gross".  I asked Lilly what made it gross.  She eventually revealed that she didn't know, but Caitlyn had made an "eww, that's disgusting" kind of face when she told Lilly about it.  So that led Lilly to believe that the "S" word was gross.  I could tell that Lilly secretly probably knew just a little bit more than she was letting on.

At that point, I knew it was time to clarify and educate.

The whole ordeal went a lot better than I imagined it would.  Lilly was so eager to finally learn about it.  She was just bustin' at the seams to know, and asked some really good questions.  I guess in a way, I was secretly glad to let the cat out of the bag about it too.    Somehow, all the right words just flowed out of me, and I hadn't even thought about what I would tell Lilly whenever the time came.  I guess that's why I sort of dreaded it a little in a way; not knowing how to even start the conversation, much less keep it going.  But I guess when the time is right for stuff like that, then things roll smoothly.  Thank God!

And who knew...the simple diagrams of the 'sperm cell' and 'egg cell' in my old "Charlie Brown 'Cyclopedia" from the early '80s helped me in my talk to Lilly about the "S" word, too!  ;)

"Good Grief, Charlie Brown"...!

LOL!  ;D

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