February 13, 2014


Well, the snow and ice storm didn't turn out to be as bad for us as they said it was going to be (at least it doesn't seem like it, anyway).  We haven't lost power once or anything.  Jamie's about to go in to work; his boss texted him and said that the roads are fine.

The snow is super-pretty, and here's a few pictures I took of it through the living room window and off the front porch this morning (I'm not about to go outside for long in that cold stuff)!:

Winter Wonderland!

We've had the dogs in the house for the past couple of days since it's so yucky outside.  They always stink up the house and take up the entire couch.  We put old quilts down on the couch for them to lay on.  Whenever we let the dogs in, we always move the bunny to either my bathroom or Jamie's bathroom, because we figure the dogs would probably bother her.  The dogs don't even know that we have a bunny.

Well, yesterday, I had the dumb idea to see just what would happen if I showed the bunny to Lucky.  (Lucky is completely obsessed with trying to catch a glimpse of our cat, Domino, and loves to watch her down the hallway past the baby gate, even though Domino won't come anywhere near Lucky).

So I picked up the bunny, and slowly moved her closer to Lucky's face, while introducing them in a sweet, gentle voice.  Lucky was of course completely enthralled.  And the bunny surprisingly didn't even seem to mind.  So I continued on carrying the bunny into the living room, to sit with her wrapped up in a blanket on the recliner to pet and snuggle her like I normally do.  Of course Lucky wanted to keep checking out the bunny, so we carefully allowed it.  It was so sweet!  Lucky began attempting to wash the bunny, but a split-second later, Lucky got a wild look in her eye, snapped, and tore off a little bit of the bunny's fur with her mouth!!!  Of course the bunny went absolutely nuts trying to run away, kicked a small gash into the palm of my hand with the long claws of her back foot, and scratched my other arm really bad, all the way down it, bringing the blood on both places.  Jamie grabbed Lucky by the collar and held her back from trying to get the bunny any more.  I managed to grab the bunny, and cuddle her up tightly in my arms.  No real damage done, but I guess I learned my lesson!  Sometimes I'm not known for making the best decisions in the world!  :/  So I put the bunny back in her pen in Jamie's bathroom, and I won't be letting Lucky sniff her anymore!  (Maddie doesn't seem to even be very interested in the cat, so I won't even try to show her the bunny).  It was funny one day this past Fall; Maddie came sauntering up to the garage of the house gingerly holding a live possum in her gaping maw!  It was hysterical!  She was making a face like "Lookee whut I fownd"!  :P  LOL!

We've had a few more mild disasters so far while being snowbound.  Late yesterday, I decided to take a nice, hot bath to get myself warmed up really good.  I didn't find out about it 'til this morning, but while I was back in my bathroom, Lilly was riding around the living room on Jamie's old skateboard (which she had done all ^%$# day long).  She didn't stop in time, and ended up crashing into a table, knocking several cups and glasses down onto the hardwood floor.  It's unclear if my laptop got knocked down on the floor, or if it was already down there, but my guess is that it did get knocked down on the floor, judging from the damage it sustained.  And Lilly won't admit what happened (just like always when something goes wrong and she's involved), so it remains a mystery.  Anyway, when I went to get on my laptop this morning and check the news and weather, I discovered that the power plug had gotten rammed up pretty far inside the laptop haphazardly and busted the plastic around the port.  I was extremely unhappy.  Lilly ran away and hid in her room.  And that's when Jamie told me what happened.  He allegedly wasn't aware that my computer had been damaged when the incident occurred the night before.  I was really upset.  I can't seem to have anything nice that doesn't end up getting either damaged horribly or destroyed.  Sometimes it's my own fault (like when I accidentally dropped my cell phone in the toilet, and when I accidentally put my other cell phone in the washing machine), but my Kindle Fire also got completely destroyed because it had a defective charge port and wouldn't charge anymore (apparently that's an extremely common defect with the Kindle Fires that I wasn't aware of before purchasing one), and me and my brother attempted to fix it with a soldering iron late last Summer (because after all, it was already messed up, and if we messed it up more, then oh well).  Well, we did end up messing it up more, so I ended up just throwing my whole Kindle Fire away.  And now Lilly wrecked my laptop.

Jamie suggested that I not try to pull out the jammed-in power plug, but like I said before, I'm not always known for making the best decisions, so I yanked it out.  Well, then I couldn't get the plug back in, so my computer wouldn't be able to charge.  That's not good, because my laptop's kind of old, so its battery doesn't last very long.  I was upset, and got frustrated, and handed the laptop over to Jamie to try to fix.  I know that could have been a huge mistake in itself (to let Jamie try to fix it), but I was desperate.  Somehow, Jamie managed to ram the power plug back deep inside its socket, so now my laptop can charge.  And I'll just have to keep the power cord attached to it at all times, since its rammed so far deep inside and busted.  But as long as it works, then I guess it's all right.  It just pisses me off that every single thing I have gets messed up, and I either have to throw it away because it's too far destroyed to be repaired, or limp along with it because it's damaged.  Grr!!!

Another cruddy thing happened this morning too.  Jamie let the dogs out of the house so they could go pee, and there just so happened to be a random pack of dogs roaming around down right below the house, so of course Maddie and Lucky joined them and ran off for a while.  They came back a lot sooner than we expected them to.  I eventually noticed a faint streak of blood on Lucky's white fur, but didn't think anything of it.  Then later we noticed a streak of blood on Maddie's fur.  A few moments later, I just so happened to catch a glimpse of Maddie's underside as she was standing up on the couch, and thought I saw a bloody patch on her lower belly, close to her crotch.  We looked, and sure enough, she has a wound there.  It's not super-bad, but it's a bloody wound probably about the size of a 50-cent piece.  We don't know for sure, but I'm guessing that one of the pack of strange dogs must have been trying to sniff Maddie's butt, and Maddie didn't like it, and then the strange dog chomped down and injured her.  But Jamie said that Maddie and Lucky had a little skirmish over their food this morning like they sometimes do, so Jamie said that Lucky might have done it to Maddie earlier.  Jamie says that Lucky always bites Maddie around her rear end.  So who knows.

Anyway, both dogs are laying on the couch right now, and Lilly's right there with them, getting her clothes all stunk up like Dog.

Lilly's gymnastics class is supposed to be today, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see if they'll be open or not.  I think they probably will be open.  They were open the last time we had a snow and school was closed.  Basically, as long as the roads are OK enough for everyone to get there safely, then they will probably have class I think.  So it will be good to get out of the house for a while if they're open later today.

Jamie texted me a few minutes ago to let me know that he made it to work just fine.  He said the roads are not that bad.  He's been able to make it to work every day during this snow.  They haven't worked full days, but it's better than not working at all.  So that's good.

I bet school will probably be closed again tomorrow, but I don't know for sure.  It's funny that I was only scheduled to work on Monday this week in the lunchroom, and it turned out that school was closed for the rest of the week anyway.  All the snow should be gone by Monday, and I'm scheduled to work all next week from 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM each day.  So yay!

I think payday should be coming up sometime soon.  I believe that school employees only get paid once a month.  We have timesheets to fill out in the lunchroom, and it has several weeks listed on there all together in a row.  It will be awesome to finally get my first paycheck!  :D  I can't wait!

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