July 10, 2013

A Good (Bad) Habit I've GOT to Break!

So I have developed this crazy habit of locking the doors at all times (the front and back external doors to the house, not the internal bedroom and bathroom doors).

I guess I might have gotten into this habit since I'm at home all the time, and we live in the highest-crime area of the county.  Several years ago, someone broke into our house while nobody was home and ransacked the house, but the only thing they took was Lilly's piggy bank from her bedroom (that her mamaw gave her before she died), which unfortunately contained Lilly's whole life savings of around $250 (plus all of the $1 gold coins that the tooth fairy had brought her for each baby tooth she had lost).  >:{
(May you burn in Hell forever for that, burglar.  Burn. In. HELL.)
So yesterday, we got home after taking Lilly to Dance practice and shopping for some new school clothes for Lilly at Wally World.  I got out of the car, unlocked the house door (first the deadbolt, then the regular knob), and then what did I do?  While remaining standing in the garage the whole time, I threw my keys inside onto the kitchen counter, flipped on the garage light and the kitchen light (and this is where I blanked out), reached my hand inside and locked the regular doorknob back, and promptly closed the door.


So there we were (good thing we have a garage, because it was raining as usual), locked out of the freakin' house because I was a moron.

Luckily, since it's so hot, and since we still haven't gotten our heat pump fixed yet, we usually keep our house windows open.  So we knew we were gonna hafta break in the house somehow.  Well, of course we didn't want to actually "break" in -- we didn't want to damage the windows or screens or anything.  So we got on the front porch, and I tried one window while Jamie tried another one.  We pushed and heaved and messed and jimmied to no avail.  Finally I realized a way to get us in the house quickly without tearing the window up so badly that it couldn't be fixed.  I began removing the little rubber gasket from around the frame of the screen (that holds the screen in place), picked the screen out of the groove, and voila.  We were in.

Sure, I'll have to fix the screen back into its frame, but it's no big deal; I've got one of those little rollie-tools that helps do the job:
But if the window had been shut, I don't know what we would've done!

Stupid good/bad habit!  And the worst part is that I didn't even realize that I had locked the door back!  It was like sleepwalking, but I was totally awake...with no excuse, except for just being a moron!  :P

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