July 3, 2013

Adventure on the 4-Lane! :O

Boy, oh, boy!  Was this morning ever eventful for me and Jamie!  I was driving us in the car on the 4-lane to the courthouse to do our second day of Jury Duty at about 8:45 this morning, when I happened to come up on a white Chevrolet Blazer-looking car, which was swerving around and driving in the middle of the road!  The windows of the car were tinted, so it was kind of hard to see inside, but we could tell that a man was driving, and he appeared to be maybe somewhere in his 50s or 60s.  He was straddling the dotted line in the middle of the road with his car!  Then it got worse.  He almost ran off the left side of the road numerous times.  And we were shocked when the man went almost all they way off the left side of the road and started driving in the grassy median...AT 70 MPH!!!  We couldn't believe that he didn't wreck!  Well, me and Jamie freaked out, so Jamie whipped out his cell phone and called 911.  Jamie let them know whereabouts on the 4-lane that we were, and stayed on the line with the dispatcher, describing all the erratic movements that this car was making.  At one point, the car almost side-swiped a gold-colored Toyota.  A station wagon-type of car tried to pass by us, but I put on my hazard lights, and they must have noticed that the car in front of us was swerving all over the road, because they slowed down and backed way up.  Then for some inexplicable reason, the man floored it.  The 911 dispatcher asked us if we could give them the license plate number, so had to floor it in my car to catch up with the man.  I had to keep my eyes on the road, but the guy was going so fast, that all I could manage to tell was that the needle on my speedometer was somewhere right between 80 and 100 and it took me a while to catch up to him.  I believe we were doing about 90.  We finally caught up to the car, because just as inexplicably as he had sped up so fast, he slowed back down to probably around 50 mph, and were able to give the 911 dispatcher the license plate number.  Then as we were about to pass by Wal-Mart, we thought that the man was going to run into a dump truck because he was heading back into the median, but he whipped his car back onto the road just in time.

Well, as we got closer to town, the dispatcher said that a cop was ready to intercept.  I stayed behind the guy the entire way to town, flashing my hazard lights whenever a car that didn't know what was going on came close.  When we came upon the Chamber of Commerce building, there was the Chief of Police, Johnny Carroll, waiting in his patrol car in the turning lane.  Jamie motioned to him with his hand, and I slowed down my car almost to a stop so that Johnny could get behind the crazy driver.  He put on his blue-lights, and got behind the car.  We just kept on going into town like normal, since we had to go to Jury Duty anyway.  We were still behind them and saw the cop pull the crazy driver over at the road going up to the Holiday Inn Express.

We felt so good to have a hand in helping to stop this guy!  A little while later, when we arrived at the courthouse for Jury Duty, and we were still waiting for it to begin, Jamie got a call from the dispatcher for something, and he told Jamie that apparently the man was having a medical emergency.  We had heard an ambulance, which was obviously taking the crazy driver to the hospital moments before the dispatcher called Jamie.

However, the dispatcher called Jamie back a while later, but Jamie wasn't able to take the call since we were right in the middle of Jury Duty.  But when we went on our first break, Jamie was able to call the dispatcher back to see what he needed.  The dispatcher asked for Jamie's address.  Then he told Jamie that it turned out that the man wasn't having a medical emergency after all...he was ultra-drunk and apparently blew a .12 on the breathalyzer...at 9:00 in the morning!!!  And it wasn't this man's first rodeo, either...he is a repeat offender.  Also, Jamie had been the only person that had called 911 to report the crazy-driving man!

So after finding all this out, me and Jamie felt REALLY good, because I feel certain that if we hadn't called 911, the man would have probably caused a horrible accident that would have hurt or even killed no telling how many people.


So now I guess that makes me Rosco P. Coltrane, and Jamie Enos!  LOL!  ;)

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