July 1, 2013

Jury Duty!

So me and Jamie have never had to do Jury Duty before.  Today was our first time ever.  We were appointed to the Grand Jury, which basically means that there's 23 of us, and all we have to do is just vote if we think a case should go to trial or not.  And if at least 12 people say Yes, then the case goes to trial.  That's it.
I was a little nervous about it at first, but after we finally got started and were able to begin listening to the witnesses (which were the arresting officers or some other type of law enforcement officer) for each case, it became very interesting and actually fun!  Today we went through 15 criminal cases, and tomorrow we'll do about 5 civil cases.  I'm actually secretly kind of looking forward to it!  The awesome thing (besides having fun listening to all the gritty --and sometimes funny-- details of the cases) is that me and Jamie will each get $35 per day that we have to serve, so together we'll earn a total of $140 over the next two days!  YESSSSS!!!  :D  We'll have to go again for probably only one day sometime in October, too.  Cha-Ching!  LOL!
So anyway, as I said, me and Jamie have never had to do Jury Duty before, so we had no idea of what to expect at all.  So I took my dad's advice, and dressed "like you're going to work".  And since I had gleefully dumped almost all of my old work clothes off at the thrift store back when I abruptly quit my job last September, and since I haven't had time to do my laundry in a while, I decided to wear a dress.  (I didn't have much of a choice, since I didn't have anything else that was both suitable and clean).  Well, I had never worn this particular dress before --I had never even tried it on-- I purchased it weeks ago off the clearance rack at the dollar store for $6.  This morning (thanks to Lilly, as usual) we were having trouble getting ready in time to leave the house so that we wouldn't be late, so I just threw on the dress and saw that it was way too low-cut and thereby required a cami underneath it.  But instead of taking the time to fool with an actual cami, I just quickly clipped on one of those dorky ol' "cami secret" thingies, and thought it would be fine.  
Well.  Several times during the course of the day, something at my chest area kept catching my eye, and when I would casually glimpse down to see what was going on with my wardrobe, my right boob was somehow managing to stick out of both the "cami secret" AND my dress every time.  So much for being a cami "secret"!  Peekaboo!  Hmph!  :/  Needless to say, I was sort of glad it was a little chilly in the jury room, because I had taken a sweater with me for just such a cold emergency (since I usually freeze all the time anyway), so I put the sweater on, and kept clutching it tightly together in the front in order to conceal my continuous wardrobe malfunctions.  :{

Jamie, on the other hand, accidentally instigated an embarrassing moment which several of us jurors witnessed, and we all had a jolly good laugh (well, except for the man that it happened to)...!  We had taken short a break so that everyone could use the restroom and stretch their legs for a little while.  So as we were all waiting in line together at the restrooms (the ladies' and mens' rooms were situated side-by-side, and they were each one-person restrooms).  Well, nobody was in line at the mens' room door, so Jamie jerked the door open and started in.  BUT THERE WAS A MAN STANDING IN THERE PEEING!  So Jamie backed out abruptly and shut the door, much to everyone's surprised amusement!  Jamie was like "well he could've locked the door"!  And so we all stared as the poor peeing man had to exit the restroom and do the Walk of Shame by us while we all laughed!  Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!  What a dork!!!  LOL!  (Thank GOD it wasn't me)!!!

I can't wait to see what hilarity that tomorrow's Jury Duty has in store for us...!  XD

But one thing's for sure...I'm wearing comfortable PANTS tomorrow with an infallible shirt!  ;)

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