July 8, 2013

Jamie Published His Second eBook!

Jamie's first attempt at writing a book wasn't too shabby.  
But now, he has written his second book, and it's pretty dang awesome, if I do say so myself.
His first book was kind of classified as "horror", because it contained subject matter such as ghosts, zombies, witches, and Bigfoot.  But this second book is nothing but Sci-Fi, and that genre seems to definitely be his forte so far.

Here's a link to Jamie's new book on Amazon:
Some Old-Fashioned Sci-Fi - An Anthology

Our cat, Domino, who celebrated her 13th birthday three days ago, graciously "helped" Jamie again with the writing of this second book, as you can see:

And I think I may have developed a theory as to how Domino has grown so old, but she just keeps on tickin':  SHE ABSORBS OUR LIFE-FORCE ON A DAILY BASIS.  Here is just a small portion of the photographic evidence that I have collected throughout the past few years to support this theory (enlarge to Full Screen for best results):

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