April 5, 2013

Detective Deana Cracks The Case

Remember in my last post how I mentioned that there have been kidnappings and murders in my community over the past several years?  Well, little did I know at the time that I wrote that post on Wednesday, that a double murder had actually occurred just the day before, only about 4 1/2 miles away from my house.  O__o  The victims were discovered yesterday, and the murderer was actually shot and killed early this morning in a different city a little over 70 miles south of here.  EEK.

Several of my friends contacted me on my cell phone last night to find out if I was OK, and I had no idea what they were talking about (I hadn't heard the news yet).  They had heard about the murders, and knew that I lived close to where it happened.  At the time, the murderer was still on the loose, so it was pretty alarming.  Whenever something like that happens, you can't help but automatically think that the psycho is holed up right next to the lawnmower in your own personal toolshed, just waiting to make you their next victim.  So I latched the screen doors, and locked and deadbolted the house doors.  By bedtime, I was too revved up from all the murder news that I laid in the bed and nervously chewed my fingernails for about half the night before I finally fell asleep.  As I was laying there, it finally dawned on me how incredibly ridiculous it was for me to have latched the rear screen door as a security measure, seeing as how a large portion of the screen is completely pulled away from the frame, directly next to the latch itself (I haven't taken the time to repair it yet).  So if some crazy murderer were to creep out of his hiding place in the toolshed and decide it was time to enter the house, all he would have to do would be to stick his hand through the hole in the screen and flip the hook out of the eye, thereby unlocking the screen door.  Yeah, SOOOO SECURE.  Then I scoffed to myself how dumb of a thing that was for me to do, and finally drifted off to sleep.

An hour or so after I finally fell asleep, I woke up to our cat Domino climbing on top of me (I call it the "cherry-on-top" move).  It feels kind of good at first, with all the warmth and purring, but our cat weighs around 15 pounds, so it gets uncomfortable after a while.  Well, after Domino "cherry-on-topped" me, I fell back asleep.  Some time later, I had a nightmare that a doctor had to put green putty on my nose for some reason (what IS it with all these 'putty' dreams lately?!?), and I also had to wear an eye patch.  All this was happening as I was at school (which even more 'Grade A nightmare fuel'), and towards the end of the nightmare, I was finding it increasingly hard to walk down the halls of the school because I began to get numb on one side, and it got worse and worse as I was frantically trying to change classes, not knowing where to go.  I finally, fitfully, and sweatily awoke from the nightmare to discover that Domino STILL had me trapped up in the "cherry-on-top" pose, and that the reason I had dreamed that I had the eye patch and nose-putty was because that particular half of my face was buried and tangled in the covers in real life.  And the reason I was having trouble walking in my dream was because one of my arms was completely asleep after having been crushed by the girth of the cat for so long!  Plus the cat's hot body temperature had burned me up, so I was wringing with sweat on my stomach and leg, where she had been "cherry-on-topping" me for no telling how long!  After I managed to wrangle myself out from under Domino The Behemoth Cat, I went back to sleep, until The Behemoth began meowing for her breakfast some time later.  Ehh!

Anyway, the whole reason I brought up the topic of crime in the first place, is that today Lilly wanted to go back adventuring down at the lake, so this time we made Jamie come with us.  I felt reasonably safe in going outside, knowing that the murderer dude was gone.  I was really curious to see if I could find what that sketchy dude I talked about in my last post had thrown down off the side of the road.  I felt like I could look for it more safely since Jamie was with us.  Well, I made it across the stream, and I scrambled up the steep bank, and began scanning the area where I knew the guy had been.  It didn't take me long at all before I discovered what he had thrown out.
Here's the front of the package:


And here's the back of the package:


I KNEW that sketchy guy was up to no good!

Also, NO WONDER he had coughed, hacked & gagged so hard for so long!  He had obviously used these *cigar* papers to twist himself up an extra-large fatty from hell!  SHEESH!

I saw that the package said that the rolling papers were "Wet Mango" flavored.  So, me being crazy me, of course I sniffed the wrapper.  And I have to admit, the odor was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!  Like, if they made that scent into ladies' body lotion or hair care products, it would be the best-selling thing EVER.  It smelled so freakin' delicious, I wanted to eat the wrapper!  But crazy as I am, that's going too far even for me.  So I took the wrapper home, sniffed it one last good time, and disposed of it properly into the trash can.  Now watch us somehow manage to get busted for merely possessing this wrapper in our trash can, when we're completely innocent of everything.  Meh.  That would be just my luck.

Anyway, after I discovered the wrapper on the side of the road, Jamie and Lilly ventured a little further up the stream without me, and saw a snake, which Jamie took a picture of:

Don't worry; it's not poisonous, and it didn't even flinch as Jamie and Lilly got closer to it to observe it.  It was just happily sunning itself on that rock next to the stream and stayed put right there.  We don't mind snakes; we just leave them alone.  If we were to happen to see any poisonous ones directly around our house, of course we would kill them, but most snakes are really helpful and eat all kinds of pests and vermin, so the non-poisonous ones are actually good to have around.  We think it's terrible how snakes get a bad rap.  Everything in nature is put there to serve a purpose.  We should be custodians of the earth and be respectful of all of God's critters.  Well, except for maybe ticks, fleas, mosquitos, intestinal parasites...

LOL!  ;)

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