April 11, 2013

Yesterday's Lake Adventure

Well, yesterday's lake adventure was pretty uneventful UNTIL a sort-of-cute dog showed up, followed by a mean dog, followed by a SUPER-mean dog, followed by a creepy ol' man who was looking for someone to murder going fishing.  Me and Lilly were by ourselves in the edge of the weeds picking up metal cans to recycle, and the next thing we know, the sort-of-cute dog appeared out of nowhere.  It didn't come right up to us; it just kept running back up the road for a few seconds, and then running back down to look at me and Lilly.  A little bit later, we heard dogs barking and running our way.  Then the mean and SUPER-mean dogs spotted us.  The SUPER-mean dog was like this:
barking its @$$ off as hard as it could at us.  I must admit that I was secretly a little bit worried, and Lilly was kind of scared.  I told Lilly that we should just ignore the dog.  About that time, we heard a man yelling for his dog.  He was calling, "Frisky......Frisky......Frisky, come here"!  And then the sketchy ol' man came walking down from the direction that the dogs had come.  He saw that his dogs had us "treed", and he was sort of hollering at them to quit, but I never could really hear exactly what he was saying because all three of the dogs were barking so hard at us all at the same time.  The funny thing was that when I had heard the man yelling for his dog "Frisky", I was picturing 'Frisky' to be some silly little cute dog like this:

But no; 'Frisky' was this:
'Frisky', indeed.


I think it needs to be re-named MURDERER.  It must be one of those silly joke opposite names, like having a dog like this and naming it 'Tiny':

Or having a dog like this and naming it 'Bruiser'.

The sketchy ol' man didn't act like he was too concerned that his stupid mean dogs were acting like they were about to eat our faces off if we made a wrong move.  Me and Lilly just stood still.  Finally the three dogs followed their sketchy man (he was carrying a fishing pole, headed down to the edge of the lake to go fishing).  So me and Lilly were able to start easing our way up the road to the highway.  We weren't about to go walking back home our usual way through the woods, since that would mean that we would have to pass by the sketchy man and his three dogs, and get them all stirred up and after us again.  The meanest dog, 'Frisky', detected that me and Lilly were starting to slowly make our way up the road, and came back to bark viciously at us some more.  Finally I understood part of what the sketchy man was yelling; he was telling me to throw a rock at it.  So I did, and said "sorry", 'Frisky' retreated, and me and Lilly were able to make our escape.  I'd rather take my chances walking the short distance home on the highway (and risk getting hit by a car) than to run the risk of being eaten alive by three stupid mean dogs or kidnapped and/or murdered by a creepy fisherman anyday!  :/

After we narrowly escaped being eaten alive by 'Frisky' (the pitbull?), we ate some supper, and went back down to the lake again ('Frisky' & Gang had thankfully gone back home), and this time, me and Lilly brought Jamie along with us just in case.

Lilly had hornswaggled us to go swimming again, even though it's nowhere near time to go swimming yet.  So here are a couple of pictures of Lilly's freezing cold swimming session.

I like to call this one the "OMG IT'S COLD"!:

And here's pretty much the extent of Lilly's swimming adventure (no real swimming being done; really just messing around in the very shallow water):

While we were letting Lilly "swim", me and Jamie noticed that there were a total of seven fairly large-sized holes that we could see, that had been dug out into the side of the bank.  The holes had obviously been dug by some kind of critter.  Here's a picture of a couple of the holes that were side-by-side:

And here's a closeup picture of one of the holes:

At first, Jamie thought that a bear had dug the holes, but just above the particular hole pictured above, you can see the little sharp claw marks.  So it must have been a little critter like a raccoon or groundhog or something that dug all those holes.

Here's a closeup picture of the claw marks:

I don't know what the critter was digging for; obviously probably some kind of food.  Worms?  Grubs?  Roots?  I wish I knew. It must have been good, and the critter must've had success in finding what it was looking for, for it to keep digging and digging all those big deep holes.  Interesting.

Anyway, it started getting late and dark, so we reluctantly had to head back home.  On the way, I noticed that the frogs were hollering in full force, so I decided to take a short video of it to capture the sound of it.  At the end of the video, I tried to zoom in on Jamie and Lilly, but my stupid camera wouldn't zoom.  Oh, well, at least you can still hear the frogs.

You have no idea how glad I am that Spring has finally SPRUNG!  :D

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