April 14, 2013

Well, We've Had a Full Day!

Well, it all started at 7:00 this morning when I was awakened to the sound of Lilly puking.  I had thought Lilly was in my bathroom, but no, she was literally just 3 feet away from the bathroom, puking on the bedroom carpet.  What is it with kids and pets anyway -- it's like they purposefully seek out carpet to puke on.  The only carpet we have in the whole entire house is in the two bedrooms; the bathroom floors are vinyl, and the rest of the house has hardwood flooring, but nooooo, the carpet always gets puked on!  UHH!  >:{

And after the puke session, then came the sharts.  Again!  Lilly sharted a total of 4 times.  That's 4 changes of undies & pants in rapid succession.

At that point, I realized that I owed Hamburger Helper a small apology, since Lilly's sickness was obviously caused by some sort of virus, and not due to her ingestion of a small portion of Hamburger Helper Philly Cheesesteak for supper the other night.  *I stand corrected*.

Sorry, Helping Hand.  My bad.

Although I am 100% certain that my own near-shart experience, and Jamie's super-shart under the streetlight at 4:00 AM earlier this week were without a doubt a direct result of the Hamburger Helper.  So I'm not issuing a full apology.  >:/

At first, it looked to me like Lilly would be out of commission for the day, which sucked, since we had a lot of fun stuff planned.  But, thank goodness for the magical, mystical, sudden healing power of kids, because after she laid on the couch under a blanket, watched a few cartoons, and had a little breakfast, she was good to go.

First on our agenda of fun for the day was going to watch Lilly's cousin Claire in her very first pageant!  Claire was so adorable (as always)!
(lousy, grainy, zoomed-in picture, but you get the idea...Claire's a little ANGEL)!  :)

Next on our agenda of fun was going to the fair in town.

(Lilly wasn't in the mood to pose for pictures, so I had to sneak and take 'em without her realizing it, heh heh).

First was the mini-petting zoo.

The pregnant horse (she was so sweet, and her nose felt like velvet):

Two cute li'l ponies (they had soft noses too):

A sweet donkey (softer than expected):

Some young li'l chickens (couldn't really touch them):

A cute, oinky pig (Lilly touched its nose and reported that it was actually kind of hard.  Hmm, who knew?)  I petted its back too, and its hairs were super-bristly!  Then I got to craving bacon and had to stop.  O__o  LOL!


And here's a GREAT picture of an ass!:
...and the donkey's cute, too!  LOL!  Just kidding...!  ;)

Then Lilly wallered around inside a giant inflatable ball in a pool of water for a few minutes:

And onward to the rides:

Then Lilly discovered some friends from school to ride rides with:

One of Lilly's favorite things to ride today was the slide:

I remember when I was around Lilly's age and had gone to a fair.  They had one of those big slides like this, and I got to the top of the thing with my burlap sack, looked down, freaked out, and had to embarrassingly abort the mission because I chickened out.  I had to do the Walk of Shame all the way back down the rickety stairs, forlornly clutching my unused burlap sack.  I never did muster up the courage to ride one of those slides.  :(  I guess I'm just too afraid of heights.  That, and going a thousand miles an hour whilst seated precariously upon a tater sack with no brakes whatsoever might have a little something to do with it.  :/  If memory serves, back in those days, the people sliding down seemed to go a LOT faster.  And the slide was METAL.  And I think the carnies secretly greased it.  Ahh, yes, the good ol' days before party-poopin' safety regulations...  *sigh*  Even though I was never brave enough to personally conquer The Slide, I sure did enjoy watching everyone else do it!  :)  I always have been a little bit more of a spectator than a participator!

Last year was the first year that Lilly began to get turned away from the "baby" rides, due to her being so tall.  This year, being even taller, she decided she wanted to graduate to the "big kid" rides.  After all, you can only ride the merry-go-round and teacups so many times before it gets a little bit boring.

So we let Lilly ride the Thing That Makes You Go Up And Down In Circles.  I think it was called the Factory, or X-Factory, or something nutty like that.  It had painted pictures of comic book characters all around behind it (what the Incredible Hulk has to do with the act of going round and around in circles, I'll never figure out).  But Lilly had a blast riding it, nonetheless.  It was her first *big kid* ride, and she ended up riding it twice.  Here is a video of her second trip on the ride.  My stupid camera battery died near the end of the ride and cut the video off abruptly, but you get to see most of it anyway.  (That girl's got some LUNGS)!  :O

Just like always, it was almost impossible to get Lilly to leave the fair.  It was a little after 8:00 this evening when we finally headed back home.  A little while before we left, one of my friends from my old workplace gave Lilly some cotton candy, so that made Lilly's day.  I just hope that it doesn't get colorfully puked up on the bedroom carpet in the morning!  ;)

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