April 10, 2013



I am so traumatized right now.  I can barely type.  It's like a nightmare that came to life.

Jamie came home from work a while ago, and we were out on the porch together.  He gave me a little hug, and as I stepped back, I just happened to notice a few little specks of stuff on the shoulder of his t-shirt.  So as I began to tell him that he had some stuff on his shirt, and lifted my hand to start brushing the stuff off, he turned, and that's when we discovered that THE ENTIRE BACK OF HIS SHIRT WAS COMPLETELY COVERED IN TINY BABY SPIDERS.
Luckily, Jamie's not scared of spiders, or really anything else for that matter, (I wasn't scared; I just had a sudden, severe case of the willies, that's all), and as I was freaking out and yelling, I helped him slide the shirt off, so as not to get the spiders all over him.  There must have been around 50 of the little boogers.  It was HORRIBLE!!!  Definitely Grade 'A' Nightmare Fuel!!!

So I got my wits about me enough to grab my camera.  Here's a couple of pictures:


And then Jamie shook all the baby spiders off of the shirt and into the flowerbed.  We don't really know how it happened.  We don't know exactly where they came from for sure.  All I know is that it really creeped me the heck out, and just the thought of it is still making me itch all over.  Eeeww!  

Luckily, I was just about to wash a load of whites anyway, so this shirt is about to get a good dose of bleach, if for nothing else than my own peace of mind.  Blecch!

HELLO, SPRING...and let the freaky bug infestations BEGIN!

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