February 16, 2015

Somebody Get A Towel

I was sitting on the floor in front of the gas logs a while ago enjoying the warmth, reading a little book, with Maddie laying halfway in my lap.  Since the dogs usually stay outside, it's a huge treat to them to get to come in and lay on us and get good petting in a comfy environment.

Anyway, Jamie texted me from work to ask what temperature it was, and to say that it had started raining at his workplace.  I got up to look at the thermometer, texted Jamie back that it was 36 degrees, and looked outside.  I noticed that it had actually started barely sprinkling here at the house too, and let him know that as well.  It's raining so lightly that you can't even tell it's raining until you look at something like the porch steps outside and see little droplets of water.  So much for a wintry mix.

So I settled back down in front of the gas logs and continued reading my book and petting Maddie.  Maddie was so relaxed that I think she actually went to sleep with her head in my lap as I petted her.

After a little while, I happened to look up and something caught my eye.  Maddie had PEE'D IN THE FLOOR while she was laying with her head in my lap!!!  I guess my petting was just too relaxing!

So I hopped up, and made Maddie go outside.  Lilly grabbed 2 paper towels (which would help as much as it would be to absorb 1 drop of water out of the entire ocean), but hey, Lilly surprisingly offered to help, so I didn't shoo her away.  And I grabbed a cruddy old towel that we keep around for just such an emergency, and a bottle of spray cleaner, and we swabbed up the pee mess.

I'm not even gonna ask What Else Could Go Wrong...!

Oops...the temperature has dropped to 33 degrees now...could Icepocalypse become a reality...?

We shall see...updates will be forthcoming......!

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