February 17, 2015

The Nothingpocalypse

Well, I woke up this morning expecting to see an icy winter wonderland outside, but instead got this:
You can see the tiny little bit of ice on that closest step.

And while I was outside taking this picture, I noticed that cars were traveling on the highway like normal.

I thought it was pretty weird that everything wasn't completely iced over, because it rained for hours and hours, and the temperature was below freezing.  Oh, well.  Apparently there is some black ice on the roads, though, from what the news says.  Jamie went on in to work as usual.  I told him he BETTER NOT crash his truck.  He has a track record of somehow mysteriously wrecking his vehicle (not bad enough to get hurt, but just bad enough for the vehicle to be totaled), and then getting all excited when he gets to get a new vehicle.  >:{

Anyway, I checked the weather forecast, and now it's calling for 1 - 3 inches of snow tomorrow.  So now I wonder if school is gonna be closed AGAIN.  Sheesh.

All I know is that I CAN'T stay glued to the couch again today.  I've GOTTA putter around and do SOMETHING (besides hate Winter and wish Spring would hurry up)...!

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