May 26, 2013

Beach Blanket Bingo

Well, we ended up at the "beach" again today.  I have a feeling we're gonna be going there a lot this summer, since it's apparently one of Lilly's favorite places, since she begs to go there all the time.  It was just me and Lilly there today, since Jamie spent the day hanging out with his Uncle Roger and Aunt Sandy who just moved down here to Georgia from Illinois last year.

Today at the beach was pretty good, aside from my circa-1980s lounge chair collapsing, causing me to fall straight down onto my @$$ in the blink of an eye (and even though I was mortified, I just nonchalantly pretended as if nothing at all had happened, and stayed down there on the sand for several minutes, as if it was no big deal whatsoever, even though I was dying inside from embarrassment).  O__o

And once I finally got my beach umbrella and lounge chair situation straightened out, I was pretty famished, so I broke into a jar of pickles that I had flung into the cooler (they had been in the fridge forever, and since I haven't been to the grocery store yet this weekend, we were kind of hard-up for snacks, so I just flung a whole bunch of weird random stuff to snack on into the cooler -- including a sandwich I made for Lilly which had to be made using both heels of the loaf of bread, because that's all we had)!  Ha ha!  (She didn't care, so what the hey).

Anyway, the pickles were awesome, and I couldn't stop eating them.  (And NO I am NOT pregnant, so don't even go there).  >:|  I don't even know how many pickles I ended up eating -- probably about 6, if I had to guess.  I got strangled on the last one, however, and struggled to keep it together while hoping nobody noticed that I was gurgling to death on pickle juice from being a pickle glutton.  So after I finally got my throat clear, I switched off and ate a bunch of goldfish crackers instead, to soak up all that pickle juice in my throat.  Bleh!  *koff koff*!  :P

I love going to places like the beach, because it's a prime place for people-watching.  And if you've got a good pair of sunglasses (and you know how to be perfectly discreet), you can secretly gawk at all kinds of strange and interesting stuff without anybody knowing.  Going to the beach also usually even makes you feel better about your own looks and physique, because face it, most people are 'ugly' and 'flawed' (a/k/a normal, and totally unlike all the airbrushed & photoshopped supermodels you see on TV and in magazines).

Anyway, me & Lilly stayed at the beach for several hours, and I got to see a wide variety of humanity, so after a while, I was inspired to develop a game out of it.  Feel free to print it out and take it on your own next trip to the beach!

LOL!  Good Luck, and Happy Gawking!  ;)

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