May 22, 2013

I Hate My Freakin' Life >:{

Well, I don't think there's any way I'm going to be able to get to sleep anytime soon tonight, and I'm mortally pissed off, so I might as well take the opportunity to vent, in a feeble attempt to try to feel better.

First of all, just a while ago, I was trying to sleep on the couch (I can never sleep in the same bed with my husband Jamie because of his #$%^&*# stupid, incessant, heavy breathing/throat-clicking noises/nasal wheezing) which makes me want to bludgeon him to death with a tire iron.  So I usually sleep in the bed with Lilly until Jamie gets up to leave for work at 2:30 in the morning, at which time, I sometimes get to transfer to my spot in what is supposed to be my own bed.  Well, since school is out for summer now, Lilly has been staying up just about all night every night, and sleeping 'til noon the following day.  I know it's a bad habit to get into, but at the same time, I think 'why not' because she's a kid, and needs to enjoy this awesomely carefree time in her life.

Anyway, tonight Lilly isn't just fiddling around staying up late for no particular reason; tonight she is actually staying up and CLEANING HER ROOM (which is an absolute hellhole), not to mention the fact that she NEVER, EVER cleans her room herself.  So since this is a momentous occasion, I decided to let her have-at-it and clean her room to her heart's content for as long as she wants to, even though it is almost midnight.

So there I was just a little while ago, laying on the couch in the living room in the darkness, trying to get to sleep, when what happens?  Well, apparently Lilly in her rare, room-cleaning frenzy becomes parched and needs a drink.  So she goes into the kitchen, flips the overhead light on (in my face), opens the fridge, gets out the pitcher of lemonade, grabs herself a cup, and proceeds to immediately dump, like, 87 gallons of lemonade all over the kitchen counter, cabinets, and floor.  How she managed to do it, I'll never figure out.  The lemonade pitcher has a well-fitting lid, and when I asked Lilly how it happened, she made the 'I'm-totally-lying-and-there's-no-way-in-hell-that-I-will-ever-tell-you-the-truth' face, and said she didn't know; that "the top just blew off".
And by the way, when I went into the kitchen to survey the damage, the lid to the lemonade pitcher was still firmly in place, not 'blown off' as Lilly implied.
So I groggily grabbed some old towels and rags, and began sopping up the worst of the mess.  I'll clean it properly in the morning.  Everything in the entire kitchen is a wet, super-ultra-sticky, lemonade disaster.

But I'm just so pissed because seriously, EVERYTHING; EVERY FREAKING THING, no matter how big, or how small, ALWAYS, ALWAYS goes HORRIBLY, HORRIBLY WRONG, ALL THE FREAKING TIME.  I swear I think my life is cursed, no joke.  It seems like all I ever get to do is clean up damn messes and fix damn stupid mistakes, usually somebody else's.  I'M SICK OF IT.  I wish that I lived all by myself, so that I only had my own simple little stuff to deal with; where the messes are few and far between, and just my own.  I can't do everything!  I'm a stay-at-home mom, and I still don't have time to do everything that needs to be done, thanks to the two maniacs in my family constantly trashing everything, and never lifting a finger to clean up their own mess that they just made!  (And if they do try to clean up a mess --which almost never happens--, they do it completely wrong, and just end up making a bigger mess, which I still have to take care of)!  I just have to schlep through every day, doing the bare minimum that absolutely has to be done, while all the other stuff that also needs to be done gets pushed back further and further on the back-burner, probably never to be done at all!  UUUHHH!!!!!
Everything sucks, and then when I realize that everything could be a lot worse (a/k/a life-threatening), then it makes me feel even worse for feeling aggravated about something so trivial in the grand scheme of things in the first place.

Life is crappy, stupid, and complicated, and it takes you your whole life to just halfway get things figured out, but then you die, so all that experience is wasted!  MEH!

Just once, just for freakin' once, I wish that something totally freakin' AWESOME would happen, to help me feel a little bit better.  I don't know what that would be, but hey, I can daydream...

I think I'm gonna go eat a stick of butter now.
And in the morning, I'll have the pleasure of bustin' my ass for an eternity to swab up all that sticky-ass damn lemonade mess!  And I'm making Lilly help me, even though  I know she'll suck at it!  >:{

Mom Hadn't Had a Hot Meal in 15 Years


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