May 12, 2013

Rabies Clinic DISASTER!

While we were having the girls' hair done for the pageant yesterday morning, Lilly's daddy was taking our two dogs, Maddie (a Boxer) and Lucky (a German Shepherd mix) to the annual Rabies Clinic to get their yearly rabies shots.


Allow me to hand the computer over to Jamie so he can tell you his arduous tale first-hand:

     Well, I got there early hoping to get in and out quickly, but as luck would have it, others had the same idea.  So I ended up waiting in line for about an hour-and-a-half.  During this time, my dogs were doing really good.  Until we got up to the area where the shots were being given.  Maddie the Boxer was surprisingly well-behaved.  But Lucky went into psycho mode.
      I first tried holding them by their collars, but that failed when Lucky kept slipping out of her collar, and she began to growl and snap at anyone that got close to her or me.  She is very protective of her family and distrusts other people.  So I had to slip a muzzle on her that the vet provided and that really sent her over the edge.  She ran and flopped and pooped, yes, pooped and yelped loudly.  I had to crawl in the back of the SUV and lay down on top of Lucky to hold her down while one assistant held her back legs so that another assistant could give her the shot.  When it was all over, I had crap on me, crap on the blanket that I had fortunately put down before we left, and crap on the papers that the rabies tags were taped to that the vet had laid on the passenger seat.                               
     I also ended up with a good hard whack on my right knee, and to top it all off, it was raining.  So I finally got out of there, filled the car up with gas, and went home quickly. The dogs were very happy to get home.  As soon as I let them out of the car, they ran to the water bowl and got themselves good, long drinks.  I got the poo-covered blanket, my coat, and whatever else could fit in the washer and began the wash.


This is Deana here, with a footnote.  Lucky didn't behave this way at last year's Rabies Clinic.  Who knows why.  All I know is that I hope it doesn't happen again!  I don't know how much more poo my poor car can take!  :/


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