May 1, 2013

Newspaper! :/

Well, this morning something happened that I don't think has ever happened in my household before.

We ran out of toilet paper.

Completely out of toilet paper.

The most alarming part is the very first thing that popped into my mind the instant I realized our plight:  'Well, I guess we'll just have to use newspaper'.


And worst of all, I was serious.

The funny thing is, we don't even get a newspaper, so it's not like we have any newspapers laying around to use anyway.

(I suppose this is just how your mind works when you're born & raised in the country.  Hey, at least I didn't consider using corn cobs).

So the first thing I did when I realized that substituting newspapers was the worst idea ever, I finally came to my senses and concluded that the next best thing would be to use kleenexes.  And after quickly scouring the house, I discovered that we're completely out of kleenexes too.

Finally I realized that the next-next best thing would be to use a little bit of paper towel.  Which I did.  Crisis averted. WHEW.

But I know what's on my agenda for today -- an obvious much-needed trip to the dollar store!  I need to buy a newspaper sump'in' fierce!

LOL, just kidding!  ;)

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